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Annotation of /openisis/current/openjsis.c

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Revision 237 - (hide annotations)
Mon Mar 8 17:43:12 2004 UTC (20 years, 4 months ago) by dpavlin
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initial import of openisis 0.9.0 vendor drop

1 dpavlin 237 /*
2     openisis - an open implementation of the CDS/ISIS database
3     Version 0.8.x (patchlevel see file Version)
4     Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Erik Grziwotz, erik@openisis.org
6     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     Lesser General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20     see README for more information
21     EOH */
23     /*
24     $Id: openjsis.c,v 1.17 2003/04/08 00:20:53 kripke Exp $
25     main file of openjsis java native lib.
26     */
28     #include <stdlib.h> /* free */
29     #include <memory.h> /* memcpy */
31     #include "openisis.h"
32     #define index stupidgcc
33     /*
34     java/jdk1.3/include/jni.h:607: warning: declaration of `index' shadows global declaration
35     jobject (JNICALL *GetObjectArrayElement)
36     (JNIEnv *env, jobjectArray array, jsize index);
37     */
38     #include "org/openisis/NativeDb.h"
39     #undef index
43     /* ************************************************************
44     private types
45     */
46     /* ************************************************************
47     private data
48     */
49     /* ************************************************************
50     private functions
51     */
52     static jobjectArray rec2bytes (JNIEnv* env, OpenIsisRec *r )
53     {
54     jobjectArray jarr = 0;
55     jintArray ia;
56     jint ji;
57     jbyteArray ba;
58     int i;
60     if ( ! r )
61     return 0;
63     jarr = (*env)->NewObjectArray( env, 1+r->len,
64     (*env)->FindClass( env, "java/lang/Object" ), 0 );
65     if ( ! jarr )
66     return 0;
68     ia = (*env)->NewIntArray( env, 1+r->len );
69     (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement( env, jarr, 0, ia );
71     ji = r->rowid;
72     (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion( env, ia, 0, 1, &ji );
74     for ( i=0; i<r->len; i++ ) {
75     OpenIsisField *f = &r->field[i];
76     ba = (*env)->NewByteArray( env, f->len );
77     if ( ! ba )
78     break;
79     ji = f->tag;
80     (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion( env, ia, i+1, 1, &ji );
81     (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion( env, ba, 0, f->len, (jbyte*)f->val );
82     (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement( env, jarr, i+1, ba );
83     }
84     return jarr;
85     } /* rec2bytes */
87     static OpenIsisRec* bytes2rec ( JNIEnv* env, jobjectArray arr ) {
88     jsize len;
89     jsize alen;
90     jintArray ia;
91     jbyteArray ba;
92     OpenIsisRec* rec;
93     int i;
94     jint ji;
95     jint* tags;
96     char *txt;
98     /* initialize record */
99     rec = 0;
100     OPENISIS_RSPACE( rec, 8*1024, -1 );
102     len = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, arr );
103     if ( 1 > len )
104     return 0;
106     ia = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement( env, arr, 0 );
107     if ( ! ia )
108     return 0;
110     (*env)->GetIntArrayRegion( env, ia, 0, 1, &ji );
111     rec->rowid = ji;
113     /* strip rowid / type description from length */
114     --len;
115     tags = malloc( len * sizeof( jint ) );
116     (*env)->GetIntArrayRegion( env, ia, 1, len, tags );
118     for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
119     ba = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement( env, arr, i + 1 );
120     alen = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, ba );
121     txt = malloc( alen );
122     memset( txt, 0, alen );
123     (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion( env, ba, 0, alen, (jbyte*)txt );
124     OPENISIS_RADD( rec, tags[ i ], txt, alen, 0 );
125     if ( txt )
126     free( txt );
127     }
128     if ( tags )
129     free( tags );
130     return rec;
131     } /* bytes2rec */
134     /* ************************************************************
135     package functions
136     */
137     /* ************************************************************
138     public functions
139     */
140     JNIEXPORT jshort JNICALL Java_org_openisis_NativeDb_nopen
141     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jstring jdbname, jobjectArray jargs)
142     {
143     int db;
144     const char *dbname = 0;
145     const char **argv = 0;
146     int argc = 0;
147     jsize i;
149     (void)cls;
150     dbname = ! jdbname ? 0 :
151     (*env)->GetStringUTFChars( env, jdbname, 0 );
152     if ( jargs ) {
153     argc = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, jargs );
154     argv = malloc( argc * sizeof(*argv) );
155     if ( argv )
156     for ( i=0; i<argc; i++ )
157     argv[i] = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars( env,
158     (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement( env, jargs, i ), 0 );
159     }
160     db = openIsisOpen( dbname, argv, argc );
161     if ( dbname )
162     (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars( env, jdbname, dbname );
163     if ( argv )
164     for ( i=0; i<argc; i++ )
165     if ( argv[i] )
166     (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars( env,
167     (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement( env, jargs, i ), argv[i] );
168     return db;
169     } /* Java_org_openisis_Db_open */
172     JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_org_openisis_NativeDb_nreadRow
173     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jshort db, jint rowid, jint tag, jbyteArray txt )
174     {
175     OpenIsisRec *r;
176     jobjectArray jarr = 0;
177     (void)cls;
178     if ( ! txt )
179     r = openIsisReadRow( db, rowid );
180     else {
181     jsize l = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, txt );
182     char *search = malloc( l+1 );
183     (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion( env, txt, 0, l, (jbyte*)search );
184     search[l] = 0;
185     r = openIsisScan( db, rowid, tag, search );
186     free( search );
187     }
188     jarr = rec2bytes( env, r );
189     if ( r ) free( r );
190     #ifndef NDEBUG
191     fflush( stderr );
192     #endif
193     return jarr;
194     } /* Java_org_openisis_Db_readRow */
196     /*
197     * please leave me in for debugging ;)
198     * static int print ( OpenIsisRec *r )
199     {
200     int i;
201     if ( r ) {
202     for ( i=0; i<r->len; i++ ) {
203     if ( ! r->field[i].val ) {
204     openIsisSMsg( 1, "%d.?=%d\n", r->rowid, r->field[i].len );
205     continue;
206     }
207     openIsisSMsg( 1, "%d.%d=%.*s\n", r->rowid, r->field[i].tag,
208     (int)r->field[i].len, r->field[i].val );
209     if ( r->field[i].len && '^' == *r->field[i].val ) {
210     OpenIsisRec *rf = openIsisReadField( 0, r->field+i );
211     if ( rf ) {
212     int j;
213     for ( j=0; j<rf->len; j++ )
214     openIsisSMsg( 1, "%d.%d.%c=%.*s\n",
215     r->rowid, r->field[i].tag,
216     (0x60 & (int)rf->field[j].tag ) ?
217     (int)rf->field[j].tag : ' ',
218     (int)rf->field[j].len, rf->field[j].val );
219     free( rf );
220     }
221     }
222     }
223     }
224     return ! r ? -1 : r->rowid;
225     } */
227     JNIEXPORT jshort JNICALL Java_org_openisis_NativeDb_nwriteRow
228     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jshort db, jobjectArray arr )
229     {
230     OpenIsisRec *r;
231     jint result;
232     /* no warning */
233     (void) cls;
234     if ( ! arr )
235     return -1;
236     r = bytes2rec( env, arr );
237     if ( ! r )
238     return -1;
239     result = openIsisWrite( db, r );
240     if ( r )
241     free( r );
242     return result;
243     }
245     JNIEXPORT jshort JNICALL Java_org_openisis_NativeDb_nwriteXRow
246     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jshort db, jobjectArray arr, jobjectArray idx )
247     {
248     OpenIsisRec *r;
249     OpenIsisRec *i;
250     jint result;
251     /* no warning */
252     (void) cls;
253     if ( ! arr || ! idx )
254     return -1;
255     r = bytes2rec( env, arr );
256     i = bytes2rec( env, idx );
257     if ( ! r || ! i )
258     return -1;
259     result = openIsisWritex( db, r, i );
260     if ( r )
261     free( r );
262     if ( i )
263     free( i );
264     return result;
265     }
267     JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_org_openisis_NativeDb_nTerms
268     (JNIEnv* env, jclass cls, jshort db, jbyteArray term, jbyteArray start )
269     {
270     OpenIsisRec *r;
271     jobjectArray jarr = 0;
272     jsize lterm = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, term );
273     char *cterm = malloc( lterm+1 );
274     union { OpenIsisRec r; char buf[4096]; } x;
275     x.r.len = 0;
276     x.r.bytes = sizeof(x);
277     (void)cls;
278     (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion( env, term, 0, lterm, (jbyte*)cterm );
279     cterm[lterm] = 0;
280     if ( start ) {
281     char *cstart;
282     jsize lstart = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, start );
283     if ( 128 < lstart )
284     lstart = 128;
285     cstart = x.buf + sizeof(x.r);
286     (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion( env, start, 0, lstart, (jbyte*)cstart );
287     x.r.field[0].val = cstart;
288     x.r.field[0].len = lstart;
289     x.r.len = 1;
290     }
291     r = openIsisTerm( &x.r, db, cterm );
292     free( cterm );
293     jarr = rec2bytes( env, r );
294     #ifndef NDEBUG
295     fflush( stderr );
296     #endif
297     return jarr;
298     } /* Java_org_openisis_Db_Terms */
302     JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_org_openisis_NativeDb_nsearch
303     (JNIEnv * env, jclass cls, jshort db, jbyteArray key, jint mode)
304     {
305     jsize l;
306     char *search;
307     OpenIsisSet set;
308     jintArray ia;
309     (void)cls;
310     if ( ! key )
311     return 0;
312     l = (*env)->GetArrayLength( env, key );
313     search = malloc( l+1 );
314     (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion( env, key, 0, l, (jbyte*)search );
315     search[l] = 0;
316     set.len = 0;
317     openIsisQuery( &set, db, search, mode, 0 );
318     free( search );
319     if ( 0 >= set.len )
320     return 0;
321     ia = (*env)->NewIntArray( env, set.len );
322     (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion( env, ia, 0, set.len, (jint*)set.id );
323     return ia;
324     } /* Java_org_openisis_Db_search */

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