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Contents of /cvs-head/lib/WAIT/InvertedIndex.pm

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Revision 85 - (show annotations)
Fri May 3 16:16:10 2002 UTC (22 years ago) by ulpfr
File size: 22383 byte(s)
First stab at moving backend from DB_File to BerkeleyDB.

1 # -*- Mode: Perl -*-
2 # $Basename: InvertedIndex.pm $
3 # $Revision: 1.30 $
4 # Author : Ulrich Pfeifer
5 # Created On : Thu Aug 8 13:05:10 1996
6 # Last Modified By: Ulrich Pfeifer
7 # Last Modified On: Sat Apr 27 16:13:55 2002
8 # Language : CPerl
9 #
10 # (C) Copyright 1996-2002, Ulrich Pfeifer
11 #
13 package WAIT::InvertedIndex;
14 use strict;
15 use BerkeleyDB;
16 use Fcntl;
17 use WAIT::Filter;
18 use Carp;
19 use vars qw(%FUNC $VERSION);
21 $VERSION = "1.900"; # others test if we are loaded by checking $VERSION
23 # The dictionary has three different key types:
24 # 'o'.$word
25 #
26 # The document frequency is the number of documents a term occurs
27 # in. The idea is that a term occuring in a significant portion of the
28 # documents is not too significant.
29 #
30 # 'm'.$word
31 #
32 # The maximum term frequency of a document is the frequency of the
33 # most frequent term in the document. It is related to the document
34 # length obviously. A document in which the most frequent term occurs
35 # 100 times is probably much longer than a document whichs most
36 # frequent term occurs five time.
37 #
38 # 'p'.$word
39 #
40 # Under this key we store the actual posting list as pairs of
41 # packed integers.
43 my $no_old_index_support = 0; # do not check for old indices if set
45 sub new {
46 my $type = shift;
47 my %parm = @_;
48 my $self = {};
50 $self->{file} = $parm{file} or croak "No file specified";
51 $self->{attr} = $parm{attr} or croak "No attributes specified";
52 $self->{filter} = $parm{filter};
53 $self->{'name'} = $parm{'name'};
54 $self->{records} = 0;
55 for (qw(intervall prefix)) {
56 if (exists $parm{$_}) {
57 if (ref $parm{$_}) {
58 $self->{$_} = [@{$parm{$_}}] # clone
59 } else {
60 $self->{$_} = $parm{$_}
61 }
62 }
63 }
64 bless $self, ref($type) || $type;
65 }
67 sub name {$_[0]->{'name'}}
69 sub _split_pos {
70 my ($text, $pos) = @{$_[0]};
71 my @result;
73 $text =~ s/(^\s+)// and $pos += length($1);
74 while ($text =~ s/(^\S+)//) {
75 my $word = $1;
76 push @result, [$word, $pos];
77 $pos += length($word);
78 $text =~ s/(^\s+)// and $pos += length($1);
79 }
80 @result;
81 }
83 sub _xfiltergen {
84 my $filter = pop @_;
86 # Oops, we cannot overrule the user's choice. Other filters may kill
87 # stopwords, such as isotr clobbers "isn't" to "isnt".
89 # if ($filter eq 'stop') { # avoid the slow stopword elimination
90 # return _xfiltergen(@_); # it's cheaper to look them up afterwards
91 # }
92 if (@_) {
93 if ($filter =~ /^split(\d*)/) {
94 if ($1) {
95 "grep(length(\$_->[0])>=$1, map(&WAIT::Filter::split_pos(\$_), " . _xfiltergen(@_) .'))' ;
96 } else {
97 "map(&WAIT::Filter::split_pos(\$_), " . _xfiltergen(@_) .')' ;
98 }
99 } else {
100 "map ([&WAIT::Filter::$filter(\$_->[0]), \$_->[1]]," ._xfiltergen(@_) .')';
101 }
102 } else {
103 if ($filter =~ /^split(\d*)/) {
104 if ($1) {
105 "grep(length(\$_->[0])>=$1, map(&WAIT::Filter::split_pos(\$_), [\$_[0], 0]))" ;
106 } else {
107 "map(&WAIT::Filter::split_pos(\$_), [\$_[0], 0])" ;
108 }
109 } else {
110 "map ([&WAIT::Filter::$filter(\$_->[0]), \$_->[1]], [\$_[0], 0])";
111 }
112 }
113 }
115 sub parse_pos {
116 my $self = shift;
118 unless (exists $self->{xfunc}) {
119 $self->{xfunc} =
120 eval sprintf("sub {%s}", _xfiltergen(@{$self->{filter}}));
121 #printf "\nsub{%s}$@\n", _xfiltergen(@{$self->{filter}});
122 }
123 &{$self->{xfunc}}($_[0]);
124 }
126 sub _filtergen {
127 my $filter = pop @_;
129 if (@_) {
130 "map(&WAIT::Filter::$filter(\$_), " . _filtergen(@_) . ')';
131 } else {
132 "map(&WAIT::Filter::$filter(\$_), \@_)";
133 }
134 }
136 sub drop {
137 my $self = shift;
138 if ((caller)[0] eq 'WAIT::Table') { # Table knows about this
139 my $file = $self->{file};
141 ! (!-e $file or unlink $file);
142 } else { # notify our database
143 croak ref($self)."::drop called directly";
144 }
145 }
147 sub is_an_old_index {
148 my $self = shift;
150 return 0 if $no_old_index_support;
151 return $self->{old_index} if exists $self->{old_index};
153 # We can only guess if this is an old index. We lookup the first 10
154 # $O entries. If all values are integers, we assume that the index
155 # is an old one.
157 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
158 $self->sync;
159 my $dbh = $self->{dbh} or return $self->{old_index} = 0; # for convenience
161 my $O = pack('C', 0xff)."o";
162 my ($word, $value) = ($O.$;); # $word and $value are modified by seq!
163 if ( my $ret = $dbh->seq($word, $value, DB_CURSOR) ) {
164 # warn "DEBUG: ret[$ret], not an old index, either empty or no \$^O";
165 return $self->{old_index} = 0;
166 }
167 for (my $i=0; $i<10;$i++) {
168 if ($value !~ /^\d+$/) {
169 # warn "DEBUG: word[$word]value[$value], not an old index";
170 return $self->{old_index} = 0;
171 }
172 if (my $ret = $dbh->seq($word, $value, DB_NEXT) or # no values left
173 $word !~ /^$O$;/o # no $O values left
174 ) {
175 # we are not sure enough that this is an old index
176 # warn "DEBUG: ret[$ret]word[$word]value[$value], not an old index";
177 return $self->{old_index} = 0;
178 }
179 }
180 # warn "DEBUG: old index";
181 return $self->{old_index} = 1;
182 }
184 sub open {
185 my $self = shift;
186 my $file = $self->{file};
188 if (defined $self->{dbh}) {
189 $self->{dbh};
190 } else {
191 $self->{func} =
192 eval sprintf("sub {grep /./, %s}", _filtergen(@{$self->{filter}}));
193 $self->{dbh} = tie(%{$self->{db}}, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
194 -Filename => $self->{file},
195 -Subname => $self->{name},
196 -Mode => $self->{mode};
197 $self->{cache} = {}
198 if $self->{mode} & O_RDWR;
199 $self->{cdict} = {}
200 if $self->{mode} & O_RDWR;
201 $self->{cached} = 0;
202 if (!$no_old_index_support and $self->is_an_old_index()) {
203 warn "This is an old index, upgrade you database";
204 require WAIT::InvertedIndexOld;
205 bless $self, 'WAIT::InvertedIndexOld';
206 }
207 }
208 }
210 sub insert {
211 my $self = shift;
212 my $key = shift;
213 my %occ;
215 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
216 grep $occ{$_}++, &{$self->{func}}(@_);
217 my ($word, $noc);
218 $self->{records}++;
219 while (($word, $noc) = each %occ) {
220 if (defined $self->{cache}->{$word}) {
221 $self->{cdict}->{$word}++;
222 $self->{cache}->{$word} .= pack 'w2', $key, $noc;
223 } else {
224 $self->{cdict}->{$word} = 1;
225 $self->{cache}->{$word} = pack 'w2', $key, $noc;
226 }
227 $self->{cached}++;
228 }
229 # This cache limit should be configurable
230 $self->sync if $self->{cached} > 100_000;
231 my $maxtf = 0;
232 for (values %occ) {
233 $maxtf = $_ if $_ > $maxtf;
234 }
235 $self->{db}->{'m'. $key} = $maxtf;
236 }
238 # We sort postings by increasing max term frequency (~ by increasing
239 # document length. This reduces the quality degradation if we process
240 # only the first part of a posting list.
242 sub sort_postings {
243 my $self = shift;
244 my $post = shift; # reference to a hash or packed string
246 if (ref $post) {
247 # we skip the sort part, if the index is not sorted
248 return pack('w*', %$post) unless $self->{reorg};
249 } else {
250 $post = { unpack 'w*', $post };
251 }
253 my $r = '';
255 # Sort posting list by increasing ratio of maximum term frequency (~
256 # "document length") and term frequency. This ratio multipied by the
257 # inverse document frequence gives the score for a term. This sort
258 # order can be exploited for tuning of single term queries.
260 for my $did (keys %$post) { # sanity check
261 unless ($self->{db}->{"m". $did}) {
262 warn "Warning from WAIT: DIVZERO threat from did[$did] post[$post->{$did}]";
263 $self->{db}->{"m". $did} = 1; # fails if we have not opened for writing
264 }
265 }
266 for my $did (sort { $post->{$b} / $self->{db}->{'m'. $b}
267 <=>
268 $post->{$a} / $self->{db}->{'m'. $a}
269 } keys %$post) {
270 $r .= pack 'w2', $did, $post->{$did};
271 }
272 #warn sprintf "reorg %d %s\n", scalar keys %$post, join ' ', unpack 'w*', $r;
273 $r;
274 }
276 sub delete {
277 my $self = shift;
278 my $key = shift;
279 my %occ;
281 my $db;
282 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
283 $db = $self->{db};
284 $self->sync;
285 $self->{records}--;
287 # less than zero documents in database?
288 _complain('delete of document', $key) and $self->{records} = 0
289 if $self->{records} < 0;
291 grep $occ{$_}++, &{$self->{func}}(@_);
293 # Be prepared for "Odd number of elements in hash assignment"
294 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
295 my $warning = shift;
296 chomp $warning;
297 warn "Catching warning[$warning] during delete of key[$key]";
298 };
299 for (keys %occ) {# may reorder posting list
300 my %post = unpack 'w*', $db->{'p'.$_};
301 delete $post{$key};
302 $db->{'p'.$_} = $self->sort_postings(\%post);
303 _complain('delete of term', $_) if $db->{'o'.$_}-1 != keys %post;
304 $db->{'o'.$_} = scalar keys %post;
305 }
306 delete $db->{'m'. $key};
307 }
309 sub intervall {
310 my ($self, $first, $last) = @_;
311 my $value = '';
312 my $word = '';
313 my @result;
315 return unless exists $self->{'intervall'};
317 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
318 $self->sync;
319 my $dbh = $self->{dbh}; # for convenience
321 if (ref $self->{'intervall'}) {
322 unless (exists $self->{'ifunc'}) {
323 $self->{'ifunc'} =
324 eval sprintf("sub {grep /./, %s}", _filtergen(@{$self->{intervall}}));
325 }
326 ($first) = &{$self->{'ifunc'}}($first) if $first;
327 ($last) = &{$self->{'ifunc'}}($last) if $last;
328 }
329 $first = 'p'.($first||'');
330 $last = (defined $last)?'p'.$last:'q';
332 # set the cursor to $first
333 $dbh->seq($first, $value, DB_CURSOR);
335 # $first would be after the last word
336 return () if $first gt $last;
338 push @result, substr($first,1);
339 while (!$dbh->seq($word, $value, DB_NEXT)) {
340 # We should limit this to a "resonable" number of words
341 last if $word gt $last;
342 push @result, substr($word,1);
343 }
344 \@result; # speed
345 }
347 sub prefix {
348 my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
349 my $value = '';
350 my $word = '';
351 my @result;
353 return () unless defined $prefix; # Full dictionary requested !!
354 return unless exists $self->{'prefix'};
355 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
356 $self->sync;
357 my $dbh = $self->{dbh};
359 if (ref $self->{'prefix'}) {
360 unless (exists $self->{'pfunc'}) {
361 $self->{'pfunc'} =
362 eval sprintf("sub {grep /./, %s}", _filtergen(@{$self->{prefix}}));
363 }
364 ($prefix) = &{$self->{'pfunc'}}($prefix);
365 }
367 if ($dbh->seq($word = 'p'.$prefix, $value, DB_CURRENT)) {
368 return ();
369 }
370 return () if $word !~ /^p$prefix/;
371 push @result, substr($word,1);
373 while (!$dbh->seq($word, $value, DB_NEXT)) {
374 # We should limit this to a "resonable" number of words
375 last if $word !~ /^p$prefix/;
376 push @result, substr($word,1);
377 }
378 \@result; # speed
379 }
381 =head2 search($query)
383 The search method supports a range of search algorithms. It is
384 recommended to tune the index by calling
385 C<$table-E<gt>set(top=E<gt>1)> B<after> bulk inserting the documents
386 into the table. This is a computing intense operation and all inserts
387 and deletes after this optimization are slightly more expensive. Once
388 reorganized, the index is kept sorted automatically until you switch
389 the optimization off by calling C<$table-E<gt>set(top=E<gt>0)>.
391 When searching a tuned index, a query can be processed faster if the
392 caller requests only the topmost documents. This can be done by
393 passing a C<top =E<gt>> I<n> parameter to the search method.
395 For single term queries, the method returns only the I<n> top ranking
396 documents. For multi term queries two optimized algorithms are
397 available. The first algorithm computes the top n documents
398 approximately but very fast, sacrificing a little bit of precision for
399 speed. The second algorithm computes the topmost I<n> documents
400 precisely. This algorithm is slower and should be used only for small
401 values of I<n>. It can be requested by passing the query attribute
402 C<picky =E<gt> 1>. Both algorithms may return more than I<n> hits.
403 While the picky version might not be faster than the brute force
404 version on average for modest size databases it uses less memory and
405 the processing time is almost linear in the number of query terms, not
406 in the size of the lists.
408 =cut
410 sub search {
411 my $self = shift;
412 my $query = shift;
414 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
415 $self->sync;
416 $self->search_raw($query, &{$self->{func}}(@_)); # No call to parse() there
417 }
419 sub parse {
420 my $self = shift;
422 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
423 &{$self->{func}}(@_);
424 }
426 sub search_prefix {
427 my $self = shift;
429 # print "search_prefix(@_)\n";
430 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
431 $self->search_raw(map($self->prefix($_), @_));
432 }
434 sub _complain ($$) {
435 my ($action, $term) = @_;
437 require Carp;
438 Carp::cluck
439 (sprintf("WAIT database inconsistency during $action [%s]: ".
440 "Please rebuild index\n",
441 $term,));
442 }
444 sub search_raw {
445 my $self = shift;
446 my $query = shift;
447 my %score;
449 # Top $wanted documents must be correct. Zero means all matching
450 # documents.
451 my $wanted = $query->{top};
452 my $strict = $query->{picky};
454 # Return at least $minacc documents. Zero means all matching
455 # documents.
456 # my $minacc = $query->{accus} || $wanted;
458 # Open index and flush cache if necessary
459 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
460 $self->sync;
462 # We keep duplicates
463 my @terms =
464 # Sort words by decreasing document frequency
465 sort { $self->{db}->{'o'.$a} <=> $self->{db}->{'o'.$b} }
466 # check which words occur in the index.
467 grep { $self->{db}->{'o'.$_} } @_;
469 return unless @terms;
471 # We special-case one term queries here. If the index was sorted,
472 # choping off the rest of the list will return the same ranking.
473 if ($wanted and @terms == 1) {
474 my $term = shift @terms;
475 my $idf = log($self->{records}/$self->{db}->{'o'.$term});
476 my @res;
478 if ($self->{reorg}) { # or not $query->{picky}
479 @res = unpack "w". int(2*$wanted), $self->{db}->{'p'.$term};
480 } else {
481 @res = unpack 'w*', $self->{db}->{'p'.$term};
482 }
484 for (my $i=1; $i<@res; $i+=2) {
485 # $res[$i] /= $self->{db}->{'m'. $res[$i-1]} / $idf;
486 # above was written badly, allows two DIV_ZERO problems.
487 my $maxtf = $self->{db}->{"m". $res[$i-1]};
488 unless ($maxtf) {
489 warn "WAIT-Warning: Averting DIVZERO for i[$i] \$res[\$i-1][$res[$i-1]] term[$term]";
490 $maxtf = 1;
491 }
492 $res[$i] = ($res[$i] / $maxtf) * $idf;
493 }
495 return @res
496 }
498 # We separate exhaustive search here to avoid overhead and make the
499 # code more readable. The block can be removed without changing the
500 # result.
501 unless ($wanted) {
502 for (@terms) {
503 my $df = $self->{db}->{'o'.$_};
505 # The frequency *must* be 1 at least since the posting list is nonempty
506 _complain('search for term', $_) and $df = 1 if $df < 1;
508 # Unpack posting list for current query term $_
509 my %post = unpack 'w*', $self->{db}->{'p'.$_};
511 _complain('search for term', $_) if $self->{db}->{'o'.$_} != keys %post;
512 # This is the inverse document frequency. The log of the inverse
513 # fraction of documents the term occurs in.
514 my $idf = log($self->{records}/$df);
515 for my $did (keys %post) {
516 if (my $freq = $self->{db}->{'m'. $did}) {
517 $score{$did} += $post{$did} / $freq * $idf;
518 }
519 }
520 }
521 # warn sprintf "Used %d accumulators\n", scalar keys %score;
522 return %score;
523 }
525 # A sloppy but fast algorithm for multiple term queries.
526 unless ($strict) {
527 for (@terms) {
528 # Unpack posting list for current query term $_
529 my %post = unpack 'w*', $self->{db}->{'p'.$_};
531 # Lookup the number of documents the term occurs in (document frequency)
532 my $occ = $self->{db}->{'o'.$_};
534 _complain('search for term', $_) if $self->{db}->{'o'.$_} != keys %post;
535 # The frequency *must* be 1 at least since the posting list is nonempty
536 _complain('search for term', $_) and $occ = 1 if $occ < 1;
538 # This is the inverse document frequency. The log of the inverse
539 # fraction of documents the term occurs in.
540 my $idf = log($self->{records}/$occ);
542 # If we have a reasonable number of accumulators, change the
543 # loop to iterate over the accumulators. This will compromise
544 # quality for better speed. The algorithm still computes the
545 # exact weights, but the result is not guaranteed to contain the
546 # *best* results. The database might contain documents better
547 # than the worst returned document.
549 # We process the lists in order of increasing length. When the
550 # number of accumulators exceeds $wanted, no new documents are
551 # added, only the ranking/weighting of the seen documents is
552 # improved. The resulting ranking list must be pruned, since only
553 # the top most documents end up near their "optimal" rank.
555 if (keys %score < $wanted) {
556 for my $did (keys %post) {
557 if (my $freq = $self->{db}->{'m'. $did}) {
558 $score{$did} += $post{$did} / $freq * $idf;
559 }
560 }
561 } else {
562 for my $did (keys %score) {
563 next unless exists $post{$did};
564 if (my $freq = $self->{db}->{'m'. $did}) {
565 $score{$did} += $post{$did} / $freq * $idf;
566 }
567 }
568 }
569 }
570 return %score;
571 }
572 my @max; $max[$#terms+1]=0;
573 my @idf;
575 # Preparation loop. This extra loop makes sense only when "reorg"
576 # and "wanted" are true. But at the time beeing, keeping the code
577 # for the different search algorithms in one place seems more
578 # desirable than some minor speedup of the brute force version. We
579 # do cache $idf though.
581 for (my $i = $#terms; $i >=0; $i--) {
582 local $_ = $terms[$i];
583 # Lookup the number of documents the term occurs in (document frequency)
584 my $df = $self->{db}->{'o'.$_};
586 # The frequency *must* be 1 at least since the posting list is nonempty
587 _complain('search for term', $_) and $df = 1 if $df < 1;
589 # This is the inverse document frequency. The log of the inverse
590 # fraction of documents the term occurs in.
591 $idf[$i] = log($self->{records}/$df);
593 my ($did,$occ);
594 if ($self->{reorg}) {
595 ($did,$occ) = unpack 'w2', $self->{db}->{'p'.$_};
596 } else { # Maybe this costs more than it helps
597 ($did,$occ) = unpack 'w2', $self->sort_postings($self->{db}->{'p'.$_});
598 }
599 my $freq = $self->{db}->{'m'. $did};
600 my $max = $occ/$freq*$idf[$i];
601 $max[$i] = $max + $max[$i+1];
602 }
604 # Main loop
605 for my $i (0 .. $#terms) {
606 my $term = $terms[$i];
607 # Unpack posting list for current query term $term. We loose the
608 # sorting order because the assignment to a hash.
609 my %post = unpack 'w*', $self->{db}->{'p'.$term};
611 _complain('search for term', $term)
612 if $self->{db}->{'o'.$term} != keys %post;
614 my $idf = $idf[$i];
615 my $full; # Need to process all postings
616 my $chop; # Score necessary to enter the ranking list
618 if (# We know that wanted is true since we special cased the
619 # exhaustive search.
621 $wanted and
623 # We did sort here if necessary in
624 # the preparation loop
625 # $self->{reorg} and
627 scalar keys %score > $wanted) {
628 $chop = (sort { $b <=> $a } values %score)[$wanted];
629 $full = $max[$i] > $chop;
630 } else {
631 $full = 1;
632 }
634 if ($full) {
635 # We need to inspect the full list. Either $wanted is not given,
636 # the index is not sorted, or we don't have enough accumulators
637 # yet.
638 if (defined $chop) {
639 # We might be able to avoid allocating accumulators
640 for my $did (keys %post) {
641 if (my $freq = $self->{db}->{'m'. $did}) {
642 my $wgt = $post{$did} / $freq * $idf;
643 # We add an accumulator if $wgt exeeds $chop
644 if (exists $score{$did} or $wgt > $chop) {
645 $score{$did} += $wgt;
646 }
647 }
648 }
649 } else {
650 # Allocate acumulators for each seen document.
651 for my $did (keys %post) {
652 if (my $freq = $self->{db}->{'m'. $did}) {
653 $score{$did} += $post{$did} / $freq * $idf;
654 }
655 }
656 }
657 } else {
658 # Update existing accumulators
659 for my $did (keys %score) {
660 next unless exists $post{$did};
661 if (my $freq = $self->{db}->{'m'. $did}) {
662 $score{$did} += $post{$did} / $freq * $idf;
663 }
664 }
665 }
666 }
667 #warn sprintf "Used %d accumulators\n", scalar keys %score;
668 %score;
669 }
671 sub set {
672 my ($self, $attr, $value) = @_;
674 die "No such index attribute: '$attr'" unless $attr eq 'top';
676 return delete $self->{reorg} if $value == 0;
678 return if $self->{reorg}; # we are sorted already
679 return unless $self->{mode} & O_RDWR;
680 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
682 $self->sync;
683 while (my($key, $value) = each %{$self->{db}}) {
684 next if $key !~ /^p/;
685 $self->{db}->{$key} = $self->sort_postings($value);
686 }
687 $self->{reorg} = 1;
688 }
690 sub sync {
691 my $self = shift;
693 if ($self->{mode} & O_RDWR) {
694 print STDERR "Flushing $self->{cached} postings\n" if $self->{cached};
695 while (my($key, $value) = each %{$self->{cache}}) {
696 $self->{db}->{"p". $key} ||= "";
697 if ($self->{reorg}) {
698 $self->{db}->{'p'.$key} = $self->sort_postings($self->{db}->{'p'.$key}
699 . $value);
700 } else {
701 $self->{db}->{'p'.$key} .= $value;
702 }
703 }
704 while (my($key, $value) = each %{$self->{cdict}}) {
705 $self->{db}->{'o'.$key} = 0 unless $self->{db}->{'o'.$key};
706 $self->{db}->{'o'.$key} += $value;
707 }
708 $self->{cache} = {};
709 $self->{cdict} = {};
710 $self->{cached} = 0;
711 }
712 }
714 sub close {
715 my $self = shift;
717 if ($self->{dbh}) {
718 $self->sync;
719 delete $self->{dbh};
720 untie %{$self->{db}};
721 delete $self->{db};
722 delete $self->{func};
723 delete $self->{cache};
724 delete $self->{cached};
725 delete $self->{cdict};
726 delete $self->{pfunc} if defined $self->{pfunc};
727 delete $self->{ifunc} if defined $self->{ifunc};
728 delete $self->{xfunc} if defined $self->{xfunc};
729 }
730 }
732 sub keys {
733 my $self = shift;
735 defined $self->{db} or $self->open;
736 keys %{$self->{db}};
737 }
739 1;


Name Value
cvs2svn:cvs-rev 1.12

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