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Contents of /cvs-head/eg/oreilly_de_catalog/main.pm

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Revision 78 - (show annotations)
Tue Apr 16 21:51:19 2002 UTC (22 years ago) by laperla
File size: 27974 byte(s)
- O'Reilly web site search

1 package oreilly_de_catalog::main;
3 =pod
5 Testing Instructions:
7 Search for Kochbuch: Umlaute correct?
9 Search for 389721: Many fallback hits?
11 Search for an existing ISBN with correct dashes, with wrong dashes and
12 without dashes. If the ISBN is correct, you should get only one result.
14 Search for books that have more than one author: ampersand correctly
15 escaped?
17 Search for C#, C++, .net
19 Are the flags there and correct? E.g. "Java Foundation Classes"
21 Is the -M test for the stylesheet disabled?
23 Search for repkover which hits all "colophon"s.
25 Search while the indexer is running.
27 Search for <, &, >, ". Kein Server Error? Kommt schoen "sed & awk"?
29 Search for "&uuml;ber". Viele deutsche Buecher? Erscheint richtig
30 geschriebenes "ueber" im Textfeld? Benutze gleich das "ue" uns suche
31 nach "fuer" (mit echtem Umlaut).
33 Lego suchen wegen des Registered Zeichens. Aeh?
35 index_ora muss einmal mit --debug gelaufen sein und die ALL Dump Datei
36 muss man sich anschauen wg. Umlauten und Ticks. HTML::Entities (in
37 HTML::Parser) muss mit Support for high entities compiliert werden.
39 Search for word with "-".
41 Search for "-" alone. Should give no match.
45 =cut
47 use Apache::Constants ();
48 use Apache::Request;
49 use Apache::Session::Counted;
50 use Fcntl qw(O_RDONLY);
51 use HTTP::Date ();
52 use Apache::Util ();
53 use Apache::File ();
54 use WAIT::Database ();
56 use oreilly_de_catalog::config;
57 use oreilly_de_catalog::wait_filter;
59 use strict;
61 our $DEBUG_s = 0; # Searchterm wrt. UTF-8
62 our $XSLCACHE = {};
64 sub handler {
65 my($r) = @_;
66 my $req = __PACKAGE__->new(R => $r);
67 $req->dispatch;
68 }
70 foreach my $fld ( qw(R CGI IF DEBUG DONE) ) {
71 no strict 'refs';
72 *{"get_$fld"} = sub {
73 my ($self) = shift;
74 $self->{$fld};
75 };
76 *{"set_$fld"} = sub {
77 my ($self) = shift;
78 $self->{$fld} = shift;
79 };
80 }
82 sub session {
83 my oreilly_de_catalog::main $self = shift;
84 return $self->{SESSION} if defined $self->{SESSION};
85 my $cgi = $self->get_CGI;
86 my $sid = $cgi->param('SESSION');
87 my %session;
88 require Apache::Session::Counted;
89 my $cntfile = $self->counterfile;
90 my $rundatadir = oreilly_de_catalog::config::RUNDATADIR or die "RUNDATADIR not set";
91 tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Counted',
92 $sid, {
93 Directory => "$rundatadir/sessions",
94 DirLevels => 1,
95 CounterFile => $cntfile,
96 };
97 $self->{SESSION} = \%session;
98 }
100 sub sessionid {
101 shift->session->{_session_id};
102 }
104 sub counterfile {
105 my oreilly_de_catalog::main $self = shift;
106 my $rundatadir = oreilly_de_catalog::config::RUNDATADIR or die "RUNDATADIR not set";
107 sprintf "%s/cnt/%s", $rundatadir, $self->today;
108 }
110 sub today {
111 my oreilly_de_catalog::main $self = shift;
112 return $self->{TODAY} if defined $self->{TODAY};
113 my @today = localtime;
114 $today[5]+=1900;
115 $today[4]++;
116 sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", @today[5,4,3];
117 }
119 sub handle_session {
120 my $self = shift;
121 my $oldsearchterm;
122 $oldsearchterm = $self->session->{SearchTerm};
123 my $cgi = $self->get_CGI;
124 my $r = $self->get_R;
125 my $no = $cgi->param("NO");
126 $no = "" unless defined $no;
127 my $oldsessionid = $cgi->param("SESSION");
128 if (length $no) {
129 my $waha = $self->session->{WaitActiveHitsArr};
130 my $obj = $waha->[$no];
131 my $due = $cgi->param("DUE") || "index";
132 my $docid = $obj->{rec}{docid};
133 my $redir = sprintf(
134 "http://%s%s",
135 $r->server->server_hostname,
136 $self->doclink($docid, $due),
137 );
138 # warn "INFO: redir[$redir]";
139 $r->header_out("Location",$redir);
140 my $stat = Apache::Constants::REDIRECT();
141 $r->status($stat);
142 $r->send_http_header;
143 my $fh = $self->statslogfile;
144 $fh->printf("%s %s %s [%s] %d %d %s %s\n",
145 HTTP::Date::time2iso(), # date blank time
146 $oldsessionid, # coming from
147 "s", # eventtype select
148 Apache::Util::escape_uri($oldsearchterm), # what we searched
149 $no, # selected number
150 $#$waha, # highest possible number
151 $docid, # book ID
152 $due, # document within book
153 );
154 close $fh or die "Could not close statslog: $!";
155 $self->set_DONE($stat);
156 return;
157 }
158 my $fh = $self->statslogfile;
159 $fh->printf("%s %s %s [%s] [%s]\n",
160 HTTP::Date::time2iso(), # date blank time
161 $oldsessionid, # coming from
162 "c", # eventtype change
163 Apache::Util::escape_uri($oldsearchterm), # what we searched
164 Apache::Util::escape_uri($self->searchterm), # new query
165 );
166 close $fh or die "Could not close statslog: $!";
167 }
169 sub dispatch {
170 my($self) = @_;
172 my $r = $self->get_R;
173 my $cgi = Apache::Request->new($r);
174 $self->set_CGI($cgi);
176 my $uri = $r->uri;
177 my $args = $r->args || "";
178 my @m;
180 # If they are victim of statistics, do statistics and redirect or
181 # let them pass by as appropriate
182 if ($cgi->param("SESSION")) {
183 $self->handle_session;
184 my $done = $self->get_DONE;
185 return $done if $done;
186 }
188 # Do they want an interface?
189 my($if) = $self->interface;
191 # Does somebody need debugging?
192 my $debug = $cgi->param("DEBUG") || "";
193 if ($debug) { # debug
194 $self->set_DEBUG($debug);
195 my @param = $cgi->param;
196 warn "uri[$uri]args[$args]param[@param]if[$if]";
197 }
199 if (rand(1) < oreilly_de_catalog::config::STATSSAMPLE ) {
200 $self->{SetupForStats} = 1;
201 }
203 $self->wait_query;
205 # now $self contains everything we need to construct the page.
206 if ( $self->{SetupForStats} ) {
207 my $session = $self->session;
208 for my $k (qw(SearchTerm WaitActiveHitsArr)) {
209 $session->{$k} = $self->{$k};
210 }
211 my $fh = $self->statslogfile;
212 $fh->printf("%s %s %s [%s] %d %4.2f\n",
213 HTTP::Date::time2iso(), # date blank time
214 $self->sessionid, # starting session
215 "n", # eventtype new
216 Apache::Util::escape_uri($self->searchterm), # what we searched
217 $self->{NumHits}, # hits we found
218 oreilly_de_catalog::config::STATSSAMPLE, # current representativity
219 );
220 close $fh or die "Could not close statslog: $!";
221 }
222 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}[2]{rec}{title});
224 my $content;
225 if ($if) {
226 my $xml = $self->construct_xml;
227 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($xml);
228 $content = $self->convert_xml($xml);
229 } else {
230 $content = $self->direct_html; # can go away once we are sure XSLT always wins
231 }
233 $r->set_last_modified(int(time/86400)*86400);
234 if ($r->protocol =~ /(\d)\.(\d)/ && $1 >= 1 && $2 >= 1){
235 $r->header_out('Cache-Control', "max-age=" . 24*60*60);
236 } else {
237 $r->header_out('Expires',
238 HTTP::Date::time2str(time + 24*60*60));
239 }
241 require Encode;
242 my $enccontent = Encode::encode_utf8($content);
243 $content = $enccontent if $enccontent;
244 $r->set_content_length(length $content);
247 $r->send_http_header;
248 $r->print($content);
249 Apache::Constants::OK();
250 }
252 sub interface {
253 my $self = shift;
254 return $self->{IF} if defined $self->{IF};
255 my $cgi = $self->get_CGI;
256 my $if = $cgi->param("IF");
257 $if ||= oreilly_de_catalog::config::DEFAULTSTYLESHEET;
258 $self->set_IF($if);
259 $if;
260 }
262 sub convert_xml {
263 my $self = shift;
264 my $xml = shift;
266 # convert $xml into $content
268 my $content = "";
270 require XML::LibXML;
271 require XML::LibXSLT;
272 my $if = $self->interface;
273 my $cgi = $self->get_CGI;
274 my $r = $self->get_R;
275 my $debug = $cgi->param("DEBUG") || "";
277 my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
278 my $doc = $parser->parse_string($xml);
279 my $stylesheet;
280 if (oreilly_de_catalog::config::TESTMTIMESTYLESHEET &&
281 exists $XSLCACHE->{$if} &&
282 $XSLCACHE->{$if}{M}) {
283 my $file = $XSLCACHE->{$if}{file};
284 if (-M $file < $XSLCACHE->{$if}{M}) {
285 delete $XSLCACHE->{$if};
286 }
287 }
288 unless ($XSLCACHE->{$if}{sheet}) {
289 my $stylefile = __FILE__;
290 $stylefile =~ s/main\.pm$/$if.xsl/;
291 $XSLCACHE->{$if}{file} = $stylefile;
292 $XSLCACHE->{$if}{M} = -M $stylefile;
293 open my $fh, "<", $stylefile or die "Could not open $stylefile: $!";
294 local $/;
295 my $styletxt = <$fh>;
296 close $fh;
297 my $xslt = XML::LibXSLT->new();
298 my $style_doc = $parser->parse_string($styletxt);
299 $stylesheet = $xslt->parse_stylesheet($style_doc);
300 $XSLCACHE->{$if}{sheet} = $stylesheet;
301 }
302 $stylesheet ||= $XSLCACHE->{$if}{sheet};
303 my $tdoc = $stylesheet->transform($doc);
305 if ($debug) {
306 if ($debug eq "DEBUG1") {
307 $r->content_type("text/plain; charset=utf-8");
308 $content = "$xml\n-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-\n" . $stylesheet->output_string($tdoc);
309 } else {
310 $r->content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8");
311 my $args1 = my $args2 = $r->args;
312 my $uri = $r->uri;
313 $args1 =~ s/DEBUG=1/DEBUG=DEBUG1/;
314 $args2 =~ s/DEBUG=1//;
315 $content = qq{<html>
316 <title>O'Reilly Suche -- Debugging in Frames</title>
317 <frameset rows="75%,25%">
318 <frame src="$uri?$args1">
319 <frame src="$uri?$args2">
320 </frameset>
321 </html>
323 }; #'};
324 }
325 } else {
326 $r->content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8");
327 $content = $stylesheet->output_string($tdoc);
328 $content =~ s|(\S)/>|$1 />|gs; # Netscape groks <br />, but not <br/>
330 # Netscape 4.73 groks &#252; but not &#xFC;
331 $content =~ s[&#x([\dA-F]+);][sprintf "&#%d;", hex $1]igse;
333 # $content =~ s|</tr><tr>|</tr>\n<tr>|gs;
336 if (0) {
338 # The following line is WRONG, it would insert a newline even
339 # into the content of the search textfield. It is here just as
340 # a reminder.
342 # $content =~ s|(.{80,}?)\s|$1\n|g; # a bit easier to debug
343 }
344 }
345 $content;
346 }
348 sub statslogfile {
349 my($self) = shift;
350 my $file = oreilly_de_catalog::config::STATSLOGFILE;
351 open my $fh, ">>", $file or die "Could not open $file: $!";
352 return $fh;
353 }
355 sub new {
356 my($me) = shift;
357 bless { @_ }, ref($me) || $me;
358 }
360 sub textfield {
361 my($self, %arg) = @_;
362 my $name = $arg{name} || "";
363 my $val = $self->{CGI}->param($name);
364 require Encode;
365 $val = Encode::decode_utf8($val);
366 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($val);
367 $val = $arg{default} || "" unless defined $val;
368 my $ret = sprintf(qq{<input type="text" name="%s" value="%s"%s%s />},
369 $self->escapeHTML($name),
370 $self->escapeHTML($val),
371 exists $arg{size} ? qq{ size="$arg{size}"} : "",
372 exists $arg{maxlength} ? qq{ maxlength="$arg{maxlength}"} : ""
373 );
374 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($ret);
375 $ret;
376 }
378 sub searchterm {
379 my($self) = @_;
381 return $self->{SearchTerm} if defined $self->{SearchTerm};
383 my $cgi = $self->get_CGI;
384 my $q = $cgi->param("tfq") || ""; # q from the text field
385 my @q = $cgi->param("rbq"); # q from radiobuttons
386 my $sterm = join " ", $q, @q;
388 $sterm =~ s/^\s+//;
390 if ($sterm =~ /[\200-\377]/) {
391 # XXX if they have both 8bit and entities we cannot just simply
392 # decode_entities because then we might have UTF-8 and Latin-1
393 # mixed in the string. It would be fair to issue a warning, but
394 # I simply do not feel like it.
396 # OK, let's assume we want to solve this: we split the string into
397 # 7bit and 8bit chunks, apply decode_entities on the 7bit chunks
398 # and something else to the 8bit chunks. Something like that....
399 } else {
400 require HTML::Entities;
401 HTML::Entities::decode_entities($sterm);
402 }
404 require Unicode::String;
405 if ($sterm =~ /([\200-\377]+)/) {
406 warn sprintf "DEBUG: we found 8bit bytes or chars: [%s]", $1 if $DEBUG_s;
407 my $warn;
408 {
409 # Put this in a scope of its own so we can warn() ASAP again
410 local $^W=1;
411 local($SIG{__WARN__}) = sub { $warn = $_[0]; };
412 my $us = Unicode::String::utf8($sterm); #side effect: warning
413 }
414 if ($warn and $warn =~ /utf8/i) {
415 warn "DEBUG: Es war nicht UTF8, also kann's nur latin1 sein" if $DEBUG_s;
416 $sterm = Unicode::String::latin1($sterm)->utf8;
417 } else {
418 warn "DEBUG: no warning, so we believe it's UTF-8. sterm[$sterm]" if $DEBUG_s;
419 }
420 require Encode;
421 my $tmp = Encode::decode_utf8($sterm);
422 if (defined $tmp) {
423 $sterm = $tmp;
424 } else {
425 $sterm = Encode::decode("latin1", $sterm);
426 }
427 }
428 $cgi->param('tfq',$sterm);
429 $self->{SearchTermAsTextField} = $self->textfield(
430 "name" => "tfq",
431 "size" => 30,
432 );
434 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($self->{SearchTermAsTextField});
436 if ($self->{SetupForStats}) {
437 $self->{HiddenfieldForStats} = sprintf(
438 qq{<input type="hidden"
439 name="SESSION" value="%s" />},
440 $self->sessionid,
441 );
442 }
444 return $self->{SearchTerm} = $sterm;
445 }
447 sub wait_query {
448 my($self) = @_;
449 my $sterm = $self->searchterm or return;
450 my $db = WAIT::Database->open(name => oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITDBNAME,
451 mode => O_RDONLY,
452 directory => oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITDIR,
453 ) or die;
454 my $tb = $db->table(name => oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITTBCATALOG) or die;
455 my $overbook = 25; # Term "java xslt" gab nicht den Titel "Java and
456 # XSLT" als ersten Hit als wir nur 4-faches
457 # overbook hatten
458 my %result;
459 my %from;
460 my(%weight) = (title => 4,
461 aboutauthor => 0.4, # "parrot" reveiled must be low
462 abouttranslator => 0.4,
463 colophon => 0.6,
464 inx => 0.05,
465 isbn => 4, # 3-89721-227-7 reveiled that 1 is too small
466 );
467 my @attr = sort {
468 ($weight{$a}||1) <=> ($weight{$b}||1)
469 } $tb->fields; # must be sorted so that the truncating only occurs
470 # when the important fields have had their chance
471 ATTR: for my $attr (@attr) {
472 my $weight = $weight{$attr} || 1;
473 # warn "DEBUG: attr[$attr]";
474 my %r;
475 %r = $tb->search({attr => $attr,
476 top => oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITMAXHITS * $overbook,
477 cont => $sterm});
478 if (0) { # debug
479 my $hits = keys %r;
480 warn "attr[$attr] sterm[$sterm] hits[$hits]";
481 }
482 my $cnt = 0;
483 RESULT: while (my($key, $val) = each %r) {
484 $result{$key} ||= 0;
485 $result{$key} += $val*$weight;
486 $from{$key}{$attr} = undef;
488 last RESULT if $cnt++ > oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITMAXHITS * $overbook;
489 last if $cnt > oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITMAXHITS * $overbook/(scalar @attr) &&
490 scalar keys %result >= oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITMAXHITS * $overbook;
491 }
492 }
493 $self->{NumHits} = keys %result;
494 if (%result) {
495 $self->format_result(\%result, \%from, $tb);
496 } else {
497 $tb->close;
498 my $overbook = 10;
499 $tb = $db->table(name => oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITTBFALLBACK) or die;
500 my($wx,$wy) = oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITALTWORDS =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/;
501 my $top = $wx * $wy;
502 my %r = $tb->search(
503 {attr => "headline",
504 top => $top * $overbook,
505 cont => $sterm,
506 }
507 );
508 if (%r) {
509 $self->format_aoa(\%r,$tb);
510 } else {
511 $self->{WaitNothingFound}++;
512 warn "Info: twice no hit on [$sterm]\n";
513 }
514 unless ($self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA} || $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}) {
515 warn "Info: unexpectedly no hit on [$sterm]";
516 $self->{WaitNothingFound}++;
517 }
518 }
519 $tb->close;
520 }
522 sub format_aoa {
523 my $self = shift;
524 my $result = shift;
525 my %result = %$result;
526 my $tb = shift;
528 my $no = 0; # we number the hits
529 my @didaoa = ();
530 my($wx,$wy) = oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITALTWORDS =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/;
531 my $top = $wx * $wy;
532 for my $did (sort { $result{$b} <=> $result{$a} } keys %result) {
533 my %rec = $tb->fetch($did);
534 my $ydim = int($no/$wx);
535 my $xdim = $no % $wx;
536 my $dispvalue = $rec{docid};
537 my $checkbox = $self->checkbox("name" => "rbq",
538 "value" => $dispvalue,
539 );
540 if ($dispvalue =~ /^\d{9}[\dX]$/i) {
541 next; # we do not offer castrated ISBNs
542 }
543 $didaoa[$ydim][$xdim] = {
544 did => $did,
545 val => $result{$did},
546 checkbox => $checkbox,
547 dispvalue => $dispvalue,
548 };
549 last if ++$no >= $top;
550 }
551 $self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA} = \@didaoa if @didaoa;
552 }
554 sub format_result {
555 my $self = shift;
556 my $result = shift;
557 my $from = shift;
558 my $tb = shift;
559 my %result = %$result;
560 my %from = %$from;
561 my $r = $self->get_R;
562 my $uri = $r->uri;
563 my $no = 0; # we number the hits
564 my @did = ();
565 my $maxval;
566 for my $did (sort { $result{$b} <=> $result{$a} } keys %result) {
567 $maxval ||= $result{$did};
568 my %rec = $tb->fetch($did);
569 for my $k (keys %rec) {
570 $rec{$k} = $self->escapeHTML(Encode::decode_utf8($rec{$k}));
571 }
572 my $dueto = [ keys %{$from{$did}} ];
573 use Image::Size ();
574 my $gif = sprintf(qq{%s/covers/%s.s.gif},
575 oreilly_de_catalog::config::CATALOG,
576 $rec{docid});
577 my $wh = "";
578 if (-f $gif) {
579 $wh = Image::Size::html_imgsize($gif);
580 }
581 my(@due,%due);
582 @due{@$dueto} = ();
583 delete $due{title};
584 delete $due{abstract};
585 my %duetree = (
586 author => { author => undef, aboutauthor => undef },
587 translator => { translator => undef, abouttranslator => undef },
588 desc => { desc => undef },
589 colophon => { colophon => undef },
590 chapter => { chapter => undef },
591 inx => { inx => undef },
592 toc => { toc => undef },
593 );
594 my %duedict = (
595 author => "&Uuml;ber den Autor",
596 translator => "&Uuml;ber den &Uuml;bersetzer",
597 desc => "Ausf&uuml;hrliche Beschreibung",
598 toc => "Inhaltsverzeichnis",
599 inx => "Index",
600 colophon => "Kolophon",
601 chapter => "Probekapitel",
602 );
603 DUE: for my $due (qw(desc author translator chapter toc inx colophon)) {
604 for my $dues (keys %{$duetree{$due}}) {
605 if (exists $due{$dues}) {
606 if ($self->{SetupForStats}) {
607 push @due, sprintf(
608 qq{<a href="%s?SESSION=%s;DUE=%s;NO=%s">%s</a>},
609 $uri,
610 $self->sessionid,
611 $due,
612 $no,
613 $duedict{$due},
614 );
615 } else {
616 push @due, sprintf(
617 qq{<a href="%s">%s</a>},
618 $self->doclink(
619 $rec{docid},
620 $due),
621 $duedict{$due},
622 );
623 }
624 next DUE;
625 }
626 }
627 }
628 my $hrefindex;
629 if ($self->{SetupForStats}) {
630 $hrefindex = sprintf(
631 "%s?SESSION=%s;DUE=index;NO=%s",
632 $uri,
633 $self->sessionid,
634 $no,
635 );
636 } else {
637 $hrefindex = sprintf(
638 qq{%s/%s/index.html},
639 oreilly_de_catalog::config::CATALOGROOTLOC,
640 $rec{docid},
641 );
642 }
643 my $coverlink = sprintf(qq{<a href="%s"><img class="cover" src="%s/covers/%s.s.gif" %s alt="cover" /></a>},
644 $hrefindex,
645 oreilly_de_catalog::config::CATALOGROOTLOC,
646 $rec{docid},
647 $wh,
648 );
649 my $indexlink = sprintf(qq{<a href="%s">%s</a>},
650 $hrefindex,
651 $rec{title},
652 );
653 my $duelinks = join(qq{<br />},@due);
654 # warn "DEBUG: did[$did]";
655 my $lang = $rec{docid} =~ /ger$/ ? "de" : "en";
656 my $relval = int($result{$did} * 98.9 / ($maxval || 1))+1;
658 $did[$no] = {
659 did => $did,
660 val => $result{$did},
661 dueto => $dueto,
662 rec => \%rec,
663 thumbnaillink => $coverlink,
664 indexlink => $indexlink,
665 duelinks => $duelinks,
666 lang => $lang,
667 relval => $relval,
668 };
669 last if ++$no >= oreilly_de_catalog::config::WAITMAXHITS;
670 }
671 $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr} = \@did;
672 }
674 sub doclink {
675 my($self,$recdocid,$due) = @_;
676 $due = "chapter/index" if $due eq "chapter";
677 sprintf(
678 qq{%s/%s/%s.html},
679 oreilly_de_catalog::config::CATALOGROOTLOC,
680 $recdocid,
681 $due,
682 );
683 }
685 # sub escapeHTML { # slow but doesn't lose the UTF8-Flag
686 sub escapeHTML_slow {
687 my($self, $what) = @_;
688 return unless defined $what;
689 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($what);
690 my %escapes = qw(& &amp; " &quot; > &gt; < &lt;); #");
691 $what =~ s/([&\"<>])/$escapes{$1}/g; #}/;
692 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($what);
693 $what;
694 }
697 # sub escapeHTML_unreliablewithutf8 {
698 sub escapeHTML { # fast but loses the UTF-8 flag
699 my($self, $what) = @_;
700 return unless defined $what;
701 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($what);
702 require Apache::Util;
703 $what = Encode::encode_utf8($what);
704 my $ret = Apache::Util::escape_html($what);
705 $ret = Encode::decode_utf8($ret);
706 # require Devel::Peek;Devel::Peek::Dump($ret);
707 $ret;
708 }
710 sub checkbox {
711 my($self,%arg) = @_;
713 my $name = $arg{name};
714 my $value;
715 defined($value = $arg{value}) or ($value = "on");
716 my $checked;
717 my @sel = $self->{CGI}->param($name);
718 if (@sel) {
719 for my $s (@sel) {
720 if ($s eq $value) {
721 $checked = 1;
722 last;
723 }
724 }
725 } else {
726 $checked = $arg{checked};
727 }
728 sprintf(qq{<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="%s"%s />},
729 $self->escapeHTML($name),
730 $self->escapeHTML($value),
731 $checked ? qq{ checked="checked"} : ""
732 );
733 }
735 sub construct_xml {
736 my($self) = @_;
737 my(@m);
739 # if they want an interface, we need to convert our relevant data
740 # to XML and feed it to some XSLT transformer.
741 push @m, qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
742 <!DOCTYPE stylesheet [
743 <!ENTITY Auml "&#196;">
744 <!ENTITY Ouml "&#214;">
745 <!ENTITY Uuml "&#220;">
746 <!ENTITY szlig "&#223;">
747 <!ENTITY auml "&#228;">
748 <!ENTITY ouml "&#246;">
749 <!ENTITY uuml "&#252;">
750 ]>
752 <root>
753 };
754 for my $sfield (qw(
756 SearchTermAsTextField HiddenfieldForStats WaitNothingFound
758 )) {
759 next unless exists $self->{$sfield} && defined $self->{$sfield};
760 push @m, sprintf(qq{<%s>%s</%s>\n},
761 $sfield,
762 $self->{$sfield},
763 $sfield);
764 }
765 # WaitFallbackHitsAOA, WaitActiveHitsArr
766 if (exists $self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA} and defined $self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA}) {
767 push @m, qq{<WaitFallbackHitsAOA>\n};
768 for my $line (@{$self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA}}) {
769 push @m, qq{ <WaitFallbackHitsAOALine>};
770 for my $col (@$line) {
771 push @m, qq{ <WaitFallbackHitsAOACol>};
772 for my $k (sort keys %$col) {
773 # we have no escaping problem because the dictionary doesn't contain <>&
774 push @m, qq{ <item key="$k">$col->{$k}</item>};
775 }
776 push @m, qq{ </WaitFallbackHitsAOACol>\n};
777 }
778 push @m, qq{ </WaitFallbackHitsAOALine>\n};
779 }
780 push @m, qq{</WaitFallbackHitsAOA>\n};
781 }
782 if (exists $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr} && defined $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}) {
783 push @m, qq{<WaitActiveHitsArr>};
784 for my $item (@{$self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}}) {
785 push @m, qq{ <WaitActiveHitsArrItem>\n};
786 for my $k (sort keys %$item) {
787 my $v = $item->{$k};
788 if (ref $v eq "ARRAY") {
789 push @m, qq{ <item key="$k">skipped array</item>\n};
790 } elsif (ref $v eq "HASH") {
791 push @m, qq{ <item key="$k">\n};
792 for my $k2 (sort keys %$v) {
793 # No escape problems: all field names clean, all field
794 # values (so far) clean
795 push @m, qq{ <rec field="$k2">$v->{$k2}</rec>\n};
796 }
797 push @m, qq{ </item>\n};
798 } else {
799 # No escape problem
800 push @m, qq{ <item key="$k">$item->{$k}</item>\n};
801 }
802 }
803 push @m, qq{ </WaitActiveHitsArrItem>\n};
804 }
805 push @m, qq{</WaitActiveHitsArr>};
806 }
807 push @m, qq{
808 </root>
809 };
810 join "", @m;
811 }
813 sub direct_html {
814 my($self) = @_;
815 my(@m);
817 # a bare-bone-page without XSLT. It was a pre-release study and I
818 # leave it here in case XSLT breaks tomorrow
820 push @m, qq{<html><head><title>O\'Reilly Verlag -- Suche</title></head><body>};
821 # startform
822 push @m, qq{<form method="get"><p>};
823 # textfield
824 push @m, $self->{SearchTermAsTextField};
825 # maybe radiobuttons
826 if ($self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA}) {
828 push @m, qq{<p>Zu Ihrem Suchbegriff wurde kein Dokument
829 gefunden. Befindet sich unter den folgenden W&ouml;rtern ein
830 passender Suchbegriff? Wenn ja, bitte klicken Sie einen oder
831 mehrere Suchbegriffe an und anschlie&szlig;end auf &quot;Erneut
832 Suchen&quot;.</p>};
834 push @m, qq{<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6">};
836 ALTTABLE: for my $yi (0..$#{$self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA}}) {
837 push @m, qq{<tr>};
838 for my $xi (0..$#{$self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA}[$yi]}) {
839 push @m, qq{<td>};
840 push @m, $self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA}[$yi][$xi]{checkbox};
841 push @m, " ";
842 push @m, $self->{WaitFallbackHitsAOA}[$yi][$xi]{dispvalue};
843 push @m, qq{</td>};
844 }
845 push @m, qq{</tr>};
846 }
847 push @m, qq{</table>};
848 push @m, qq{<input type="submit" value="Erneut Suchen" />};
849 }
850 # endform
851 push @m, qq{</p></form>};
852 if ($self->{WaitNothingFound}) {
854 push @m, "<p>Zu Ihrem Suchbegriff konnten wir leider gar nichts
855 finden. Bitte versuchen Sie einen l&auml;ngeren oder mehrere
856 Suchbegriffe.</p>";
858 }
859 # maybe answer
860 if ($self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}) {
861 push @m, qq{<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="3">};
862 for my $i (0..$#{$self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}}) {
863 push @m, sprintf(qq{<tr>
864 <td align="center" valign="center">%s</td><td valign="top"><font size="5">
865 <b>%s</b></font><br />%s<br />ISBN %s<br /><br /><br />%s</td></tr>\n},
866 $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}[$i]{thumbnaillink},
867 $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}[$i]{indexlink},
868 $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}[$i]{rec}{author},
869 $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}[$i]{rec}{isbn},
870 $self->{WaitActiveHitsArr}[$i]{duelinks},
871 );
872 }
873 push @m, qq{</table>};
874 }
876 push @m, qq{</body></html>};
877 my $r = $self->get_R;
878 $r->content_type("text/html; charset=utf-8");
879 join "", @m;
880 }
882 1;


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