This is repository of my old source code which isn't updated any more. Go to git.rot13.org for current projects!
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Contents of /googlecode.com/svn/trunk/public_html/meteor.js

Parent Directory Parent Directory | Revision Log Revision Log

Revision 53 - (show annotations)
Wed Feb 27 21:58:56 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by andrew.betts
File MIME type: application/javascript
File size: 9142 byte(s)
Updated version number

JS client:
Added channel info handler to JS client, assumes Meteor will send <script>ch('channel', msgid);</script>
Allowed processing of messages prior to current message index
Added disconnect() to eof()
Revert to poll mode if unable to load frame (should fix IE proxy issues)

Fixed output of channel info to show only subscribed channels (and simplified)
Added logging of IP addresses

1 /*
2 stream: xhrinteractive, iframe, serversent
3 longpoll
4 smartpoll
5 simplepoll
6 */
8 Meteor = {
10 callbacks: {
11 process: function() {},
12 reset: function() {},
13 eof: function() {},
14 statuschanged: function() {},
15 changemode: function() {}
16 },
17 channelcount: 0,
18 channels: {},
19 debugmode: false,
20 frameref: null,
21 host: null,
22 hostid: null,
23 maxpollfreq: 60000,
24 minpollfreq: 2000,
25 mode: "stream",
26 pingtimeout: 20000,
27 pingtimer: null,
28 pollfreq: 3000,
29 port: 80,
30 polltimeout: 30000,
31 recvtimes: [],
32 status: 0,
33 updatepollfreqtimer: null,
35 register: function(ifr) {
36 ifr.p = Meteor.process;
37 ifr.r = Meteor.reset;
38 ifr.eof = Meteor.eof;
39 ifr.ch = Meteor.channelInfo;
40 clearTimeout(Meteor.frameloadtimer);
41 Meteor.setstatus(4);
42 Meteor.log("Frame registered");
43 },
45 joinChannel: function(channelname, backtrack) {
46 if (typeof(Meteor.channels[channelname]) != "undefined") throw "Cannot join channel "+channelname+": already subscribed";
47 Meteor.channels[channelname] = {backtrack:backtrack, lastmsgreceived:0};
48 Meteor.log("Joined channel "+channelname);
49 Meteor.channelcount++;
50 if (Meteor.status != 0) Meteor.connect();
51 },
53 leaveChannel: function(channelname) {
54 if (typeof(Meteor.channels[channelname]) == "undefined") throw "Cannot leave channel "+channelname+": not subscribed";
55 delete Meteor.channels[channelname];
56 Meteor.log("Left channel "+channelname);
57 if (Meteor.status != 0) Meteor.connect();
58 Meteor.channelcount--;
59 },
61 connect: function() {
62 Meteor.log("Connecting");
63 if (!Meteor.host) throw "Meteor host not specified";
64 if (isNaN(Meteor.port)) throw "Meteor port not specified";
65 if (!Meteor.channelcount) throw "No channels specified";
66 if (Meteor.status) Meteor.disconnect();
67 Meteor.setstatus(1);
68 var now = new Date();
69 var t = now.getTime();
70 if (!Meteor.hostid) Meteor.hostid = t+""+Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000)
71 document.domain = Meteor.extract_xss_domain(document.domain);
72 if (Meteor.mode=="stream") Meteor.mode = Meteor.selectStreamTransport();
73 Meteor.log("Selected "+Meteor.mode+" transport");
74 if (Meteor.mode=="xhrinteractive" || Meteor.mode=="iframe" || Meteor.mode=="serversent") {
75 if (Meteor.mode == "iframe") {
76 Meteor.loadFrame(Meteor.getSubsUrl());
77 } else {
78 Meteor.loadFrame("http://"+Meteor.host+((Meteor.port==80)?"":":"+Meteor.port)+"/stream.html");
79 }
80 clearTimeout(Meteor.pingtimer);
81 Meteor.pingtimer = setTimeout(Meteor.pollmode, Meteor.pingtimeout);
83 } else {
84 Meteor.loadFrame("http://"+Meteor.host+((Meteor.port==80)?"":":"+Meteor.port)+"/poll.html");
85 Meteor.recvtimes[0] = t;
86 if (Meteor.updatepollfreqtimer) clearTimeout(Meteor.updatepollfreqtimer);
87 if (Meteor.mode=='smartpoll') Meteor.updatepollfreqtimer = setInterval(Meteor.updatepollfreq, 2500);
88 if (Meteor.mode=='longpoll') Meteor.pollfreq = Meteor.minpollfreq;
89 }
90 Meteor.lastrequest = t;
91 },
93 disconnect: function() {
94 if (Meteor.status) {
95 clearTimeout(Meteor.pingtimer);
96 clearTimeout(Meteor.updatepollfreqtimer);
97 clearTimeout(Meteor.frameloadtimer);
98 if (typeof CollectGarbage == 'function') CollectGarbage();
99 Meteor.setstatus(0);
100 }
101 },
103 selectStreamTransport: function() {
104 try {
105 var test = ActiveXObject;
106 return "iframe";
107 } catch (e) {}
108 if ((typeof window.addEventStream) == "function") return "iframe";
109 return "xhrinteractive";
110 },
112 getSubsUrl: function() {
113 var surl = "http://" + Meteor.host + ((Meteor.port==80)?"":":"+Meteor.port) + "/push/" + Meteor.hostid + "/" + Meteor.mode;
114 for (var c in Meteor.channels) {
115 surl += "/"+c;
116 if (Meteor.channels[c].lastmsgreceived > 0) {
117 surl += ".r"+(Meteor.channels[c].lastmsgreceived+1);
118 } else if (Meteor.channels[c].backtrack > 0) {
119 surl += ".b"+Meteor.channels[c].backtrack;
120 } else if (Meteor.channels[c].backtrack < 0 || isNaN(Meteor.channels[c].backtrack)) {
121 surl += ".h";
122 }
123 }
124 return surl;
125 },
127 loadFrame: function(url) {
128 try {
129 if (!Meteor.frameref) {
130 var transferDoc = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
131 Meteor.frameref = transferDoc;
132 }
133 Meteor.frameref.open();
134 Meteor.frameref.write("<html><script>");
135 Meteor.frameref.write("document.domain=\""+(document.domain)+"\";");
136 Meteor.frameref.write("</"+"script></html>");
137 Meteor.frameref.parentWindow.Meteor = Meteor;
138 Meteor.frameref.close();
139 var ifrDiv = Meteor.frameref.createElement("div");
140 Meteor.frameref.appendChild(ifrDiv);
141 ifrDiv.innerHTML = "<iframe src=\""+url+"\"></iframe>";
142 } catch (e) {
143 if (!Meteor.frameref) {
144 var ifr = document.createElement("IFRAME");
145 ifr.style.width = "10px";
146 ifr.style.height = "10px";
147 ifr.style.border = "none";
148 ifr.style.position = "absolute";
149 ifr.style.top = "-10px";
150 ifr.style.marginTop = "-10px";
151 ifr.style.zIndex = "-20";
152 ifr.Meteor = Meteor;
153 document.body.appendChild(ifr);
154 Meteor.frameref = ifr;
155 }
156 Meteor.frameref.setAttribute("src", url);
157 }
158 Meteor.log("Loading URL '"+url+"' into frame...");
159 Meteor.frameloadtimer = setTimeout(Meteor.frameloadtimeout, 5000);
160 },
162 pollmode: function() {
163 Meteor.log("Ping timeout");
164 Meteor.mode="smartpoll";
165 clearTimeout(Meteor.pingtimer);
166 Meteor.callbacks["changemode"]("poll");
167 Meteor.lastpingtime = false;
168 Meteor.connect();
169 },
171 process: function(id, channel, data) {
172 if (id == -1) {
173 Meteor.log("Ping");
174 Meteor.ping();
175 } else if (typeof(Meteor.channels[channel]) != "undefined") {
176 Meteor.log("Message "+id+" received on channel "+channel+" (last id on channel: "+Meteor.channels[channel].lastmsgreceived+")\n"+data);
177 Meteor.callbacks["process"](data);
178 Meteor.channels[channel].lastmsgreceived = id;
179 if (Meteor.mode=="smartpoll") {
180 var now = new Date();
181 Meteor.recvtimes[Meteor.recvtimes.length] = now.getTime();
182 while (Meteor.recvtimes.length > 5) Meteor.recvtimes.shift();
183 }
184 }
185 Meteor.setstatus(5);
186 },
188 ping: function() {
189 if (Meteor.pingtimer) {
190 clearTimeout(Meteor.pingtimer);
191 Meteor.pingtimer = setTimeout(Meteor.pollmode, Meteor.pingtimeout);
192 var now = new Date();
193 Meteor.lastpingtime = now.getTime();
194 }
195 Meteor.setstatus(5);
196 },
198 reset: function() {
199 Meteor.log("Stream reset");
200 Meteor.ping();
201 Meteor.callbacks["reset"]();
202 var now = new Date();
203 var t = now.getTime();
204 var x = Meteor.pollfreq - (t-Meteor.lastrequest);
205 if (x < 10) x = 10;
206 setTimeout(Meteor.connect, x);
207 },
209 eof: function() {
210 Meteor.callbacks["eof"]();
211 Meteor.disconnect();
212 },
214 channelInfo: function(channel, id) {
215 Meteor.channels[channel].lastmsgreceived = id;
216 Meteor.log("Received channel info for channel "+channel+": resume from "+id);
217 },
219 updatepollfreq: function() {
220 var now = new Date();
221 var t = now.getTime();
222 var avg = 0;
223 for (var i=1; i<Meteor.recvtimes.length; i++) {
224 avg += (Meteor.recvtimes[i]-Meteor.recvtimes[i-1]);
225 }
226 avg += (t-Meteor.recvtimes[Meteor.recvtimes.length-1]);
227 avg /= Meteor.recvtimes.length;
228 var target = avg/2;
229 if (target < Meteor.pollfreq && Meteor.pollfreq > Meteor.minpollfreq) Meteor.pollfreq = Math.ceil(Meteor.pollfreq*0.9);
230 if (target > Meteor.pollfreq && Meteor.pollfreq < Meteor.maxpollfreq) Meteor.pollfreq = Math.floor(Meteor.pollfreq*1.05);
231 },
233 registerEventCallback: function(evt, funcRef) {
234 Function.prototype.andThen=function(g) {
235 var f=this;
236 var a=Meteor.arguments
237 return function(args) {
238 f(a);g(args);
239 }
240 };
241 if (typeof Meteor.callbacks[evt] == "function") {
242 Meteor.callbacks[evt] = (Meteor.callbacks[evt]).andThen(funcRef);
243 } else {
244 Meteor.callbacks[evt] = funcRef;
245 }
246 },
248 frameloadtimeout: function() {
249 Meteor.log("Frame load timeout");
250 if (Meteor.frameloadtimer) clearTimeout(Meteor.frameloadtimer);
251 Meteor.setstatus(3);
252 Meteor.pollmode();
253 },
255 extract_xss_domain: function(old_domain) {
256 if (old_domain.match(/^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/)) return old_domain;
257 domain_pieces = old_domain.split('.');
258 return domain_pieces.slice(-2, domain_pieces.length).join(".");
259 },
261 setstatus: function(newstatus) {
262 // Statuses: 0 = Uninitialised,
263 // 1 = Loading stream,
264 // 2 = Loading controller frame,
265 // 3 = Controller frame timeout, retrying.
266 // 4 = Controller frame loaded and ready
267 // 5 = Receiving data
269 if (Meteor.status != newstatus) {
270 Meteor.status = newstatus;
271 Meteor.callbacks["statuschanged"](newstatus);
272 }
273 },
275 log: function(logstr) {
276 if (Meteor.debugmode) {
277 if (window.console) {
278 window.console.log(logstr);
279 } else if (document.getElementById("meteorlogoutput")) {
280 document.getElementById("meteorlogoutput").innerHTML += logstr+"<br/>";
281 }
282 }
283 }
284 }
286 var oldonunload = window.onunload;
287 if (typeof window.onunload != 'function') {
288 window.onunload = Meteor.disconnect;
289 } else {
290 window.onunload = function() {
291 if (oldonunload) oldonunload();
292 Meteor.disconnect();
293 }
294 }

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