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Contents of /inc/pgQA.php

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations)
Tue Oct 30 16:11:28 2001 UTC (22 years, 7 months ago) by ravilov
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +99 -12 lines
Added the "poalji e-mailom" feature. Added the ability to register on "Kalendar ovulacije" for e-mail notifications. Other fixes/improvements.

1 <?php
2 $limit = 10;
3 include("inc/conn.php");
4 if ($qa) {
5 function MyConv($str) { return strtr($str, "šðè枊ÐÈƎ", "¹ðè澩ÐÈÆ®"); }
6 $id2 = $qa;
7 $naslov = "";
8 while ($id2) {
9 $sql = "SELECT naziv, parent FROM qa_tema WHERE (tema_id = $id2)";
10 $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
11 if (!$sth) error("Cannot prepare query: \"$sql\"");
12 if (!$sth->execute()) error("Cannot execute query: \"$sql\"");
13 $row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
14 $sth->finish();
15 list($naz, $id2) = $row;
16 if ($naz) {
17 if ($naslov) $naslov = " - ".$naslov;
18 $naslov = $naz.$naslov;
19 }
20 }
21 if ($naslov) array_push($PATH, MyUpper($naslov));
22 $tpl->assign("naslov", $naslov);
23 if (!$offset) $offset = 0;
24 $sql = "SELECT pitanje2, odgovor, gost, date_odgovor FROM qa WHERE (tema = $qa) AND (display) LIMIT ".($limit + 1)." OFFSET $offset";
25 $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
26 if (!$sth) error("Cannot prepare query: \"$sql\"");
27 if (!$sth->execute()) error("Cannot execute query: \"$sql\"");
28 $qas = array();
29 while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
30 list($p, $o, $g, $d) = $row;
31 array_push($qas, array(
32 "pitanje" => ParseNewline(MyEscape($p), false),
33 "odgovor" => ParseNewline(MyEscape($o), false),
34 "gost" => MyEscape($g),
35 "date" => strftime("%d.%m.%Y.", strtotime($d))
36 ));
37 }
38 $sth->finish();
39 $tpl->assign("qas", $qas);
40 $error = 0;
41 if ($salji) {
42 if (!$ime) $error |= 1;
43 if (!$email) $error |= 2;
44 if (!$pitanje) $error |= 4;
45 if (!$error) {
46 $ime2 = MyConv($dbh->quote($ime));
47 $email2 = MyConv($dbh->quote($email));
48 $pitanje2 = MyConv($dbh->quote($pitanje));
49 $sql = "INSERT INTO qa (ime_prezime, email, tema, pitanje, pitanje2, date_pitanje, display) VALUES ($ime2, $email2, $qa, $pitanje2, $pitanje2, NOW(), false)";
50 $dbh->dbh_do($sql);
51 $sql = "SELECT email FROM qa_email WHERE (tema = $qa)";
52 $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
53 if (!$sth) error("Cannot prepare query: \"$sql\"");
54 if (!$sth->execute()) error("Cannot execute query: \"$sql\"");
55 $mails = array();
56 while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) array_push($mails, $row[0]);
57 $sth->finish();
58 mail(implode(", ", $mails), "PLIVA".($isMed?"med.net":"zdravlje.hr")." - Q&A", "\nIme: $ime\nE-mail: $email\n--------\n$pitanje\n", "From: q-a@pliva".($isMed?"med.net":"zdravlje.hr")."\nCc: darko@plivazdravlje.hr");
59 #mail($email, "PLIVA".($isMed?"med.net":"zdravlje.hr")." - Q&A", "Po¹tovani,\n\nVa¹e pitanje je primljeno na obradu. Uskoro oèekujte odgovor.\n\nS po¹tovanjem,\nPLIVA".($isMed?"med.net":"zdravlje.hr"), "From: q-a@pliva".($isMed?"med.net":"zdravlje.hr"));
60 }
61 }
62 $tpl->assign("error", $error);
63 $done = (!$salji || $error) ? false : true;
64 if ($done) $ime = $email = $pitanje = "";
65 $tpl->assign("ime", $ime);
66 $tpl->assign("email", $email);
67 $tpl->assign("pitanje", $pitanje);
68 $tpl->assign("done", $done);
69 $tpl->assign("next", (count($qas) > 10) ? ($offset + 10) : 0);
70 $tpl->assign("prev", $offset ? ($offset - 10) : 0);
71 $tpl->assign("offset", $offset);
72 } else {
73 function MyCmp1($a, $b) { return MyCompare($a["naziv"], $b["naziv"]); }
74 function LoadTeme($id = 0) {
75 global $dbh, $isMed;
76 $sql = "SELECT tema_id, naziv FROM qa_tema WHERE (".($isMed?"":"NOT ")."plivamed) AND (parent = ".($id?$id:"NULL").")";
77 $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
78 if (!$sth) error("Cannot prepare query: \"$sql\"");
79 if (!$sth->execute()) error("Cannot execute query: \"$sql\"");
80 $tema = array();
81 while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
82 list($id2, $naz) = $row;
83 $sql = "SELECT count(qa_id) FROM qa WHERE (tema = $id2) AND (display)";
84 $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql);
85 if (!$sth2) error("Cannot prepare query: \"$sql\"");
86 if (!$sth2->execute()) error("Cannot execute query: \"$sql\"");
87 $row = $sth2->fetchrow_array();
88 $sth2->finish();
89 if ($row) $row = array_shift($row);
90 $sub = LoadTeme($id2);
91 if (count($sub) < 0) undef($sub);
92 array_push($tema, array("id" => $id2, "naziv" => MyEscape($naz), "teme" => $sub, "count" => $row));
93 }
94 $sth->finish();
95 if ($id) usort($tema, "MyCmp1");
96 return $tema;
97 }
98 $teme = LoadTeme();
99 $tpl->assign("teme", $teme);
100 }
101 $tpl->assign("qa", $qa);
102 $dbh->disconnect();
103 ?>

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