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Contents of /back/phormation/mywidgets.php

Parent Directory Parent Directory | Revision Log Revision Log

Revision 1.11 - (show annotations)
Fri Sep 7 12:55:43 2001 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by ravilov
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.10: +48 -39 lines
Bugfixes in mydata widget.

1 <?php
2 // --- RA:
4 function make_autodate_widget($name, $value, $fieldname, $errortext, $params) {
5 }
6 function validate_autodate_widget($name, $value, $fieldname, $params, $sql, $errortext) {
7 global $record_id;
8 parse_str($params);
9 if ($orig) $orig = $record_id ? true : false;
10 if (!$orig) insertvalue($fieldname, "NOW()", &$sql);
11 return true;
12 }
14 function make_myselect_widget($name, $value, $fieldname, $errortext, $params) {
15 global $conn;
16 parse_str($params);
17 $tmp = array();
18 if ($table && $id && $caption) {
19 $id2 = ereg_replace("^.*\.([^\.]+)$", "\\1", $id);
20 $caption2 = ereg_replace("^.*\.([^\.]+)$", '\\1', $caption);
21 $sql = "SELECT $id".($id==$id2?"":" AS $id2").", $caption".($caption==$caption2?"":" AS $caption2")." FROM $table";
22 if ($conditions) $sql .= " WHERE ($conditions)";
23 $sql .= " ORDER BY $caption";
24 while (ereg('\{([^\},]+)(,([^\}]+))?\}', $sql, $regs)) {
25 if (!$regs[1]) break;
26 $varname = $varprefix.$regs[1]; global $$varname;
27 $val = $$varname;
28 if (!$val) $val = $regs[3];
29 $sql = ereg_replace('\{'.$regs[1].'(,[^\}]+)?\}', $val, $sql);
30 }
31 $res = dbi_exec($conn, $sql);
32 $empty = array();
33 $non_empty = array();
34 for ($i = 0; $i < dbi_numrows($res); $i++) {
35 $ret = dbi_fetch_array($res, $i);
36 list($val, $cap) = array($ret[$id2], $ret[$caption2]);
37 $val = urlencode($val);
38 $cap = urlencode($cap);
39 if ($cap) $non_empty[$val] = $cap;
40 else if ($defcap) $empty[$val] = $defcap;
41 }
42 while (list($val, $var) = each($empty))
43 array_push($tmp, "map[$val]=$var");
44 while (list($val, $var) = each($non_empty))
45 array_push($tmp, "map[$val]=$var");
46 }
47 return make_select_widget($name, $value, eregi_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "_", $fieldname),
48 $errortext, $params."&".implode("&", $tmp));
49 }
50 function validate_myselect_widget($name, $value, $fieldname, $params, $sql, $errortext) {
51 $fname = eregi_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "_", $fieldname);
52 return validate_select_widget($name, $value, $fname, $params, &$sql, $errortext);
53 }
55 $scanned = array();
56 function load_level($id, $caption, $table, $level, $n, &$ret) {
57 global $conn, $scanned;
58 $indent = "";
59 for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
60 for ($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) $indent .= "&nbsp;";
61 $indent .= "+&nbsp;";
62 $res = dbi_exec($conn, "SELECT $id, $caption FROM $table WHERE ($id LIKE '$level%') AND ($id <> '$level') ORDER BY $caption");
63 for ($i = 0; $i < dbi_numrows($res); $i++) {
64 $row = dbi_fetch_array($res, $i);
65 list($val, $cap) = $row;
66 if ($scanned[$val]) continue;
67 $scanned[$val] = true;
68 $val = urlencode($val);
69 $cap = urlencode($indent.$cap);
70 array_push($ret, "map[$val]=$cap");
71 load_level($id, $caption, $table, $val, $n + 1, $ret);
72 }
73 }
74 function make_mylevel_widget($name, $value, $fieldname, $errortext, $params) {
75 global $conn, $scanned;
76 parse_str($params);
77 $scanned = array();
78 $tmp = array();
79 if ($table && $id && $caption) {
80 $res = dbi_exec($conn, "SELECT $id, $caption FROM $table ORDER BY $caption");
81 for ($i = 0; $i < dbi_numrows($res); $i++) {
82 $ret = dbi_fetch_array($res, $i);
83 list($val, $cap) = array($ret[$id], $ret[$caption]);
84 if ($scanned[$val]) continue;
85 $scanned[$val] = true;
86 $val = urlencode($val);
87 $cap = urlencode($cap);
88 array_push($tmp, "map[$val]=$cap");
89 load_level($id, $caption, $table, $val, 1, $tmp);
90 }
91 }
92 return make_select_widget($name, $value, eregi_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "_", $fieldname),
93 $errortext, $params."&".implode("&", $tmp));
94 }
95 function validate_mylevel_widget($name, $value, $fieldname, $params, $sql, $errortext) {
96 $fname = eregi_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "_", $fieldname);
97 return validate_select_widget($name, $value, $fname, $params, &$sql, $errortext);
98 }
100 function make_mydata_widget($name, $value, $fieldname, $errortext, $params) {
101 global $conn, $record_id;
102 parse_str($params);
103 $fieldname = explode(",", $fieldname);
104 if (!is_array($value)) $value = array($value);
105 if (!$query) {
106 echo "Property error: need SQL query!\n";
107 return;
108 }
109 $mainfield = explode(",", $mainfield);
110 if (count($mainfield) != 2) {
111 echo "Property error: need the main field with its ID!\n";
112 return;
113 }
114 $flds2 = explode(",", $flds);
115 if (count($flds2) < 1) {
116 echo "Property error: need at least one field!\n";
117 return;
118 }
119 $flds = array();
120 for ($i = 0; $i < count($flds2); $i++) {
121 list($nm, $tp) = explode("/", $flds2[$i]);
122 if (!$tp) $tp = "text";
123 $flds[$nm] = $tp;
124 }
125 $star = $required ? "<FONT CLASS=\"requiredstar\"> *</FONT>" : "";
126 echo "<TR>";
127 echo "<TD CLASS=\"widgetlabel\" VALIGN=\"top\">$name$star</TD>";
128 echo "<TD><TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"1\">";
129 while (ereg('\{([^\},]+)(,([^\}]+))?\}', $query, $regs)) {
130 if (!$regs[1]) break;
131 $varname = $varprefix.$regs[1];
132 global $$varname;
133 $val = $$varname;
134 if (!$val) $val = $regs[3];
135 $query = ereg_replace('\{'.$regs[1].'(,[^\}]+)?\}', $val, $query);
136 }
137 $ids = array();
138 if ($query) {
139 $res = dbi_exec($conn, $query);
140 for ($i = 0; $i < dbi_numrows($res); $i++) {
141 $ret = dbi_fetch_array($res, $i);
142 echo "<TR";
143 if ($ret["id"] && 0) # FIXME:
144 echo ' STYLE="font-weight:bold"';
145 echo ">";
146 echo "<TD>".$ret[$mainfield[1]]."</TD>";
147 reset($flds);
148 while (list($k, $v) = each($flds)) {
149 $foo = $ret[$k];
150 if ($map[$foo] && $v == "select")
151 $foo = $map[$foo];
152 echo "<TD>&nbsp;".$foo."</TD>";
153 }
154 echo "</TR>";
155 if ($ret["id"]) array_push($ids, $ret["id"]);
156 }
157 echo "<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"".(count($flds) + 1)."\"><HR WIDTH=\"100%\"></TD></TR>";
158 }
159 $mains = 0;
160 if ($table && $id && $caption) {
161 $res = dbi_exec($conn, "SELECT $id, $caption FROM $table ORDER BY $caption");
162 $tmp = array();
163 for ($i = 0; $i < dbi_numrows($res); $i++) {
164 $ret = dbi_fetch_array($res, $i);
165 if (!$record_id && count(preg_grep("/^".
166 $ret[$id]."\$/", $ids)) > 0) continue;
167 if ($mains <= 0) echo "<TR><TD><SELECT NAME=\"".$varprefix.$mainfield[0]."\">";
168 $mains++;
169 if ($ret[$id] == $sif) continue;
170 echo "<OPTION VALUE=\"".$ret[$id]."\"";
171 $val = $value[$mainfield[0]];
172 $gvar = $varprefix.$mainfield[0];
173 global $$gvar; $gval = $$gvar;
174 if ($gval) $val = $gval;
175 if (trim($val) == $ret[$id]) echo " SELECTED";
176 echo ">".$ret[$caption]."</OPTION>";
177 }
178 }
179 if ($mains > 0) {
180 echo "</SELECT></TD>";
181 $s = $length ? " SIZE=\"$length\"" : "";
182 reset($flds);
183 while (list($k, $v) = each($flds)) {
184 $val = $value[$k];
185 $gvar = $varprefix.$k;
186 global $$gvar; $gval = $$gvar;
187 if ($gval) $val = $gval;
188 echo "<TD>";
189 if ($v == "text") make_text_widget("", $val, $k, "", "varprefix=$varprefix&length=$length");
190 if ($v == "select") {
191 $m2 = array();
192 reset($map);
193 while (list($kk, $vv) = each($map)) array_push($m2, "map[$kk]=$vv");
194 $m2 = implode("&", $m2);
195 make_select_widget("", $val, $k, "", "varprefix=$varprefix&selecttype=dropdown&$m2");
196 }
197 echo "</TD>";
198 }
199 } else echo "<TR><TD COLSPAN=\"".(count($flds) + 1)."\"><I>Sorry, all available values of this attribute are already linked.</I></TD>";
200 echo "</TR></TABLE></TD>";
201 if ($errortext != "") echo "<TD VALIGN=\"bottom\">$errortext</TD>";
202 echo "</TR>\n";
203 }
204 function validate_mydata_widget($name, $value, $fieldname, $params, $sql, $errortext) {
205 parse_str($params);
206 $mainfield = explode(",", $mainfield);
207 $flds2 = explode(",", $flds);
208 $flds = array();
209 for ($i = 0; $i < count($flds2); $i++) {
210 list($k, $t) = explode("/", $flds2[$i]);
211 if (!$t) $t = "text";
212 $flds[$k] = $t;
213 }
214 $emp = false;
215 $vars = array($mainfield[0]);
216 reset($flds);
217 while (list($k, $v) = each($flds)) array_push($vars, $k);
218 for ($i = 0; $i < count($vars); $i++) {
219 $varname = $varprefix.$vars[$i];
220 global $$varname; $var = $$varname;
221 if (empty($var)) $emp = true;
222 }
223 if ($emp && $required) {
224 $errortext = "This field is required!";
225 return false;
226 }
227 $numeric = explode(",", $numeric);
228 $proportion = explode(",", $proportion);
229 reset($flds);
230 $i = 0;
231 while (list($k, $v) = each($flds)) {
232 $var = $varprefix.$k; global $$var;
233 $val = $$var;
234 $tmp = (string)doubleval($val);
235 if ($proportion[$i]) $numeric[$i] = true;
236 if ($numeric[$i] && $val != $tmp) {
237 $errortext = "This field must be numeric!";
238 return false;
239 }
240 $i++;
241 }
242 $i = 0;
243 while (list($k, $v) = each($flds)) {
244 $val = $$k;
245 if ($proportion[$i] && ($tmp < 0 || $tmp > 1)) {
246 $errortext = "This field must be in range 0 - 1!";
247 return false;
248 }
249 $i++;
250 }
251 for ($i = 0; $i < count($vars); $i++) {
252 $varname = $varprefix.$vars[$i];
253 $val = $$varname;
254 reset($map);
255 while (list($k, $v) = each($map))
256 if ($val == $v) $val = $k;
257 if (!isset($val)) $val = "NULL";
258 $tmp = intval($val);
259 if ($tmp."" != $val."") $val = "'$val'";
260 insertvalue($vars[$i], "$val", &$sql);
261 }
262 return true;
263 }
265 // --- DbP:
267 function make_myfile_widget( $name, $value, $fieldname, $errortext, $params )
268 {
269 // get all of the datatype parameters into local variables
270 // e.g. type, height, width, length, etc.
271 parse_str( $params );
273 $filefield = $fieldname; // the filename is stored in this field
275 //echo "<TD>" . $filefield . "</TD>";
276 //echo "<TD>" . $value[$filefield] . "</TD>";
277 $value = trim( $value );
279 // create a global variable which holds the current filename (and full
280 // path). This file might be a temp file or already be in the target directory
281 $currentfile = $varprefix . $filefield . "_current";
282 global $$currentfile;
284 // the stored file, if set, is the full path of the file that was
285 // previously stored. We have to remember the filename so that we can
286 // delete it if it is replaced by an uploaded file
287 $storedfile = $varprefix . $filefield . "_stored";
288 global $$storedfile;
289 global $record_id;
291 if( $$currentfile == "" && $value != "" ) {
292 $$currentfile = $targetdir . "/" . $value;
293 }
295 if( empty( $noclear ) ) {
296 ?>
297 <script language="JavaScript">
298 <!--
299 function clear<? echo $filefield ?>()
300 {
301 document.mainform.<? echo $varprefix . $filefield . "_clear" ?>.value = 'clear';
302 document.mainform.refresh.value = 'refresh';
303 document.mainform.submit();
304 //return false;
305 }
306 // -->
307 </script>
308 <?
309 }
311 echo "<TR>";
312 if( $required ) {
313 $star = '<font class="requiredstar"> *</font>';
314 }
315 echo "<TD class=\"widgetlabel\">$name$star";
316 //echo "Currentfile = " . $$currentfile;
317 echo "</TD>";
318 echo '<td>';
319 echo '<table><tr>';
320 if( $imagemode && ( dirname( $$currentfile ) == $targetdir ) ) {
321 // image name must be encoded, since it may contain spaces or
322 // other nasties which browsers don't like
323 $imgref = $serverdir . "/" . rawurlencode( basename( $$currentfile ));
324 echo '<td><img height="60" src="' . $imgref . '"></td>';
325 } else if( $imagemode && ! empty( $value ) ) {
326 echo '<td>' . $value . '<BR> has been uploaded.</TD>';
327 }
328 echo '<td>';
329 if( $showfilename ) {
330 echo 'Current File: ';
331 if( $value == "" ) {
332 echo 'none';
333 } else {
334 echo $value;
335 }
336 }
337 echo '<BR>';
338 echo '<input type="file" name="' .$varprefix . $filefield . '">';
339 echo '<input type="hidden" name="' .$varprefix . $filefield . '_current" value="' . $$currentfile . '">';
340 echo '<input type="hidden" name="' .$varprefix . $filefield . '_oldfilename" value="' . $value . '">';
341 echo '<input type="hidden" name="' .$varprefix . $filefield . '_stored" value="' . $$storedfile . '">';
342 if( empty( $noclear ) ) {
343 echo '<input type="hidden" name="' .$varprefix . $filefield . '_clear" value="">';
344 echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type = "button" name="action" value = "Clear" onClick="clear' . $filefield . '()" >';
345 }
346 echo '</TD>';
347 echo "</tr></table>";
348 echo "</td>";
349 if( $errortext != "" ) {
350 echo "<TD>$errortext</TD>";
351 }
352 echo "</tr>";
353 }
355 function validate_myfile_widget( $name, $value, $fieldname, $params, $sql, $errortext )
356 {
357 global $HTTP_POST_FILES;
359 parse_str( $params );
361 $filefield = $fieldname; // the filename is stored in this field
363 // get the field value
364 $varname = $varprefix . $filefield;
365 global $$varname;
366 $tmpfilename = $$varname;
367 $varname = $varprefix . $filefield . "_name";
368 global $$varname;
369 $filename = basename( $$varname );
370 $currentfile = $varprefix . $filefield . "_current";
371 $storedfile = $varprefix . $filefield . "_stored";
372 global $$currentfile, $$storedfile;
373 $varname = $varprefix . $filefield . "_oldoriginalname";
374 global $$varname;
375 $oldoriginalname = $$varname;
376 $varname = $varprefix . $filefield . "_oldfilename";
377 global $$varname;
378 $oldfilename = $$varname;
379 $varname = $varprefix . $filefield . "_clear";
380 global $$varname;
381 $clear = $$varname;
382 $varname = $varprefix . $filefield . "_size";
383 global $$varname;
384 $filesize = $$varname;
386 $value = array();
388 if( !empty( $max_file_size) && $filesize > $max_file_size ) {
389 $errortext = "File too large!<BR>File cannot be larger than " . floor($max_file_size / 1024) . "k.";
390 $tmpfilename = "none";
391 return( false );
392 }
394 if( $clear == "clear" ) {
395 // if the current file is a tmp file...
396 if( $$currentfile != "" && dirname( $$currentfile ) != $targetdir ) {
397 // then delete it
398 if( is_file_in_tmp( $$currentfile ) ) {
399 unlink( $$currentfile );
400 }
401 } else {
402 // otherwise remember to delete the stored file
403 $$storedfile = $$currentfile;
404 }
405 $$currentfile = "";
406 $value = "";
407 return( false );
408 }
409 if( $tmpfilename != "none" && $tmpfilename != "" ) {
410 $succ = @rename( $tmpfilename, $tmpfilename . ".bak" );
411 if( ! $succ ) {
412 //echo "Error renaming uploaded file $tmpfilename to $tmpfilename.bak";
413 }
414 //echo "currentfile " . $$currentfile . "<BR>";
415 //echo "dirname " . dirname( $$currentfile ) . "<BR>";
416 //echo "targetdir " . $targetdir . "<BR>";
418 // here we delete the previous current file, if it's not in the target directory
419 if( $$currentfile != "" && dirname( $$currentfile ) != $targetdir ) {
420 unlink( $$currentfile );
421 } else {
422 $$storedfile = $$currentfile;
423 }
425 $$currentfile = $tmpfilename . ".bak";
427 // here we call the filter, which does any processing it needs
428 // to on the current file, and also returns the target filename
429 // for this file
430 if( function_exists( $process_hook ) ) {
431 $value = $process_hook( $processparm, $tmpfilename . ".bak", $filename, $targetdir );
432 } else {
433 $value = $filename;
434 }
436 } else {
437 $value = $oldfilename;
438 }
440 //$errortext = $tmpfilename;
441 if( $required && ( $value == "none" || $value == "" ) ) {
442 $errortext = "Please select a file";
443 return( false );
444 }
446 // put the value into the SQL strings
447 if( $value != "none" ) {
448 if( $noescapes ) {
449 insertvalue( $filefield, "'" . $value . "'", &$sql );
450 } else {
451 insertvalue( $filefield, "'" . addslashes( $value ) . "'", &$sql );
452 }
453 }
454 return( true ) ;
455 }
457 function commit_myfile_widget( $name, $value, $fieldname, $params, $record_id )
458 {
459 parse_str( $params );
461 $filefield = $fieldname; // the filename is stored in this field
463 $currentfile = $varprefix . $filefield . "_current";
464 $storedfile = $varprefix . $filefield . "_stored";
465 global $$currentfile, $$storedfile;
467 //echo "In COMMIT:<BR>";
468 //echo "filename = " . $value[$filefield] . "<BR>";
469 //echo "currentfile = " . $$currentfile . "<BR>";
470 //echo "storedfile = " . $$storedfile . "<BR>";
472 // delete the storedfile (if any) first, since if the new file has the
473 // same name we must do this before copying the new file to the same
474 // location (otherwise we copy the new file and then delete it)
475 if( ! empty( $$storedfile ) ) {
476 $file = $targetdir . "/" . basename( $$storedfile );
477 //echo "Deleting " . $file . "<BR>";
478 unlink( $file );
479 }
480 if( $$currentfile != "" && dirname( $$currentfile ) != $targetdir ) {
481 if( is_file_in_tmp( $$currentfile ) ) {
483 $rc = copy( $$currentfile, $targetdir . "/" . $value );
484 unlink( $$currentfile );
485 }
486 }
487 }
489 function abort_myfile_widget( $name, $value, $fieldname, $params, $record_id )
490 {
491 parse_str( $params );
493 $filefield = $fieldname; // the filename is stored in this field
495 $currentfile = $varprefix . $filefield . "_current";
496 $storedfile = $varprefix . $filefield . "_stored";
497 global $$currentfile, $$storedfile;
499 //echo "In ABORT:<BR>";
500 //echo "filename = " . $value[$filefield] . "<BR>";
501 //echo "currentfile = " . $$currentfile . "<BR>";
502 //echo "storedfile = " . $$storedfile . "<BR>";
504 if( $$currentfile != "" && dirname( $$currentfile ) != $targetdir ) {
505 if( is_file_in_tmp( $$currentfile ) ) {
506 unlink( $$currentfile );
507 }
508 }
509 }
511 //-----------------------------------------------------------
513 function make_showpic_widget( $name, $value, $fieldname, $errortext, $params )
514 {
515 $value = trim( $value );
516 // get all of the datatype parameters into local variables
517 // e.g. type, height, width, length, etc.
518 parse_str( $params );
520 if( empty( $length ) ) {
521 echo "Program error: Must specify length of field $name!!<BR>";
522 return;
523 }
524 echo "<TR>";
525 echo "<TD class=\"widgetlabel\">$name</TD>";
526 echo "<TD><img src=\"$dir/$value\" alt=\"".($phescape ? HTMLSpecialChars( $value ) : $value)."\"></TD>";
527 echo "</TR>\n";
528 }
530 function validate_showpic_widget( ) {
531 return(true);
532 }
533 ?>

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