--- TODO 2008/03/13 14:08:41 10 +++ TODO 2008/06/19 19:06:23 206 @@ -1 +1,45 @@ +UNASSIGNED: (feel free to take any) - hrEduPersonUniqueNumber should be required, but we don't get it via Net::LDAP even with bind +- hrEduPersonGender convert to valid values (M/®/?) +- connect to LDAP only when needed (and not on startup) +- implement tests for views +- look into memcache usage +- fancy javascript widget for multi-value editing + +dpavlin: ++ add missing columns from LDAP ++ fix navigation CSS +- rename A3C::Model::Organization to A3C::Model::hrEduOrg to be consistent with model names +- fix clipboard which doesn't seem to play well when surfing through other items under /strix + +mnalis: +- move validators from A3C::Model::Organization to A3C::Model::hrEduOrg +- implement A3C::View::hrEduPerson (keep in mind Jifty::Plugin::TableCRUD :-) + +mvela: +- LDAP server (separate process?) + + + + +NOTES: + +- read-only korisnici za svim podacima o skolama (kao AHU) +- AHU se unosi na helpdesku bez JMBG-a, a onda ga mora unijeti kod prvog logiranja + +- AI ne upisuje MX record nego AR + +- visestruki identitet + - administrator moze administrator vise skola + +v2.0: + +- zahtjevi ravnatelja helpdesku + - ravnatelj (mora biti ovlasten papirom sa potpisom iz skole) - upisuje AHU + - tipizirani tipovi zahtjeva + +EDITING: ++ move finished tasks before +- peding tasks. + +Mark versions with [0.05] after task, so it serves as quick ChangeLog or NEWS